
Opened 6 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#18017 new defect

Linux host, Windows guest: screen resolutions limited and fix messes up the pointer

Reported by: JN Owned by:
Component: other Version: VirtualBox 5.2.18
Keywords: resolution screen pointer mouse Cc:
Guest type: Windows Host type: Linux


1) Windows 10 VM exposes only resolutions lower than my native one. I worked around the problem by issuing this command:

VBoxManage setextradata global GUI/MaxGuestResolution any

However - and this is problem 2) - once the VM was using my native resolution, setting the scaling within my Windows 10 Guest to 150%, and especially to anything higher, causes pointer strangeness in Word 365. For, once the pointer changes - changes upon mouse-over of an icon in the Word ribbon - it does not, for some time or occasionally permanently, change back.

Virtual Box 5-2 Linux Mint 19 x64 Cinnamon

An existing bug report contains the first of the two problems that I have detailed; however, I am afraid that I cannot manage to re-locate that report.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Socratis, 6 years ago

  1. Windows will not present you with your host's full resolution, because it can never get it. You have to take into account the status/menu bars, window frames, etc. The only way to get the full resolution, is to go full screen. Then you'll get it. That's not a "bug", that's reality.
  1. This 150% scaling and higher causing weird mouse pointers sounds awfully similar to ticket #17778. Take a look at it, along with the linked posts in the forums.
  1. You were supposed to follow these steps when you filed the bug, and provide a VBox.log:

    Attach a (full) log file ("Machine" menu/"Show Log" in the main VirtualBox Manager window) straight away to save time for you and for us. The log file contains a lot of useful information about both the host and the guest systems as well as information about what happened during a particular machine run. Please do not cut and paste it.

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