
Opened 14 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#7914 closed defect (obsolete)

Mouse problems with host dual-head

Reported by: tatsujin Owned by:
Component: other Version: VirtualBox 3.2.12
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: Windows Host type: Linux

Description (last modified by Frank Mehnert)

I'm haing a mouse problem, which I associate with the dual monitor setup I use.

For example I have the main screen on the left monitor (with the VirtualBox [VB] window) and another monitor to the right of this one.

This of course only applies to when the mouse is captured/locked by VB. Both windows guest and linux guest. So far, this seems to occur regardless of guest additions being installed or not.

My problem is that if I move the mouse to the right at sufficient *speed* it seems to hit an "invisible wall", which can be in the middle of the VB screen. Moving it left will make the cursor move left again. Moving once more to the right, but at significantly lower speed might make it possible for the cursor to go past this "invisible wall".

Moving in any other direction than right works just perfectly.

I get the feeling that when it hits that invisible wall, the actual (host) cursor has left the current monitor and gone to the right monitor, so VB stops receiving mouse events, or something.

That this happens only when the mouse it moved at a relatively high speed leads me to relate this to mouse acceleration settings in the host. However, I've been unable to fix the problem by testing various settings.

Change History (7)

comment:1 by tatsujin, 14 years ago

I'm on Ubuntu 10.10, but I've had this problem since "the beginning of time", at least 2 major versions.

comment:2 by Andreas Pankratz, 14 years ago

Same Problem here.

Host: Win 7 Pro x86_64 VirtualBox: 4.0.0 Guests: All Guests on second screen without VBoxAdditions

comment:3 by Germain Hebert, 14 years ago

Same probleme here.

On a host Win7 and WinXP with VirtualBox 4.0.2, dual head monitor: QNX guest without integration.

The mouse is working well when the guest is in the main screen, but, if guest is moved to screen #2, the mouse become uncontrollable.

It was working well in 3.2.12.

comment:4 by tatsujin, 14 years ago

That sounds like another problem to me. You should create a separate ticket for that.

Not that this ticket has gotten any official response...

comment:5 by tatsujin, 13 years ago

Still same in 4.0.6.

I think this problem doesn't occurr when running VBoxSDL, at least on the guest's desktop. But it has another issue which prevents me from confirming this in a game (#8889).

comment:6 by tcreek, 11 years ago

Maybe it's time to submit a duplicate ticket for the current 4.2.x version

comment:7 by Frank Mehnert, 8 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Resolution: obsolete
Status: newclosed
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