[vbox-dev] building 2.1.4 OSE on windows - patches

S. Brandt sbrandt at gmx.de
Thu Feb 19 13:59:35 GMT 2009

Dear VB-OSE community,
I made a bunch of changes and fixes to the configure.vbs script to enable
"easy" compilation on windows.
Prerequisites, as (mostly) documented:
* MinGW (current version 5.1.4,
  with gcc 3.3.3 loaded and installed manually,
  though the "normal" 3.4.x also seems to work when configure.vbs is patched
* libxml2 2.7.2.+win
* libxslt 1.1.24-win32
* SDL 1.2.13-win32 (+devel)
* iconv 1.9.2 win32
  (not mentioned in build instructions)
* Visual Studio .Net 2003
* DDK 3790.1830
* DirectX SDK 2008-08
* qtwin 3.3.x-p8
* Qt4 4.4.3
All of these need to be passed to the configure.vbs script using the
appropriate parameters. -with-qt4, -with-iconv added by me.

In addition to the configure.vbs, the following changes need to be done:

* src\VBox\Main\Makefile.kmk

* src\VBox\Additions\WINNT\Makefile.kmk
# Installer directory exists in OSE version, but does not contain
#  Makefile.kmk
-ifneq ($(wildcard $(PATH_SUB_CURRENT)/Installer),)
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(PATH_SUB_CURRENT)/Installer/Makefile.kmk),)
 include $(PATH_SUB_CURRENT)/Installer/Makefile.kmk

* src\VBox\Main\win\HostPowerWin.cpp
// The version of PSDK (VC7/.Net2003) I use has a bug ...
//  this might not be necessary for other versions.
+extern "C" {
#include <PowrProf.h>

Attached you can find my version of the configure.vbs script (in zipped
form, as there is a limit of 100kB on the gmane server), and a patch to
the current official version.

Would be nice if some of my findings found their appropriate places in the
2.1.6-OSE version ... I hereby officially release my patches and additions
under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, Version 2,
or later.

Successful building,

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