
Opened 14 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#7179 closed defect (obsolete)

[VM Control] virtualbox E_FAIL (0x80004005) The VM session was closed before any attempt to power it on — at Version 6

Reported by: youyuas Owned by:
Component: VM control Version: VirtualBox 3.2.6
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: Windows Host type: Windows

Description (last modified by Frank Mehnert)

I only used two versions of virtualbox, 3.2.0 and 3.2.6. I can see this problem under both of the 2 versions.

My work steps are as follows,

  1. Import a .vmdk format harddisk file (WinXP installed).
  2. Clone it to another new harddisk file and uses it in in vm
  3. create a sharewrite and shareread folder for vm.
  4. start OS.
  5. With OS working, create a snapshot.
  6. Then, each time I use VM, restore the snapshot to the working state. (PS, not only restore files, but also its state. In another work, both call Vboxmanager snapshot <vos> restore <snapshot> and vboxmanager adoptstate <vos> <snapshot>)

Now, it can work fine. But sometime, after a OS reboot, VM snapshot can't be restore correctly. After restore the snapshot, you can see OS state can't be restored, only files are restored. If you press start button on GUI, you can see guest OS start from boot, but not from the snapshot state.

call vboxmanager adoptstate <vos> <snapshot> and call vboxmanager startvm <vos>, vbox reports error

virtualbox E_FAIL (0x80004005) The VM session was closed before any attempt to power it on

Start from GUI, it reports

E_FAIL (0x80004005) Component: Machine GUI: ISession {12f4dcdb-12b2-4ec1-b7cd-ddd9f6c5bf4d}

Only workaround is to delete the snapshot and create it again.

PS: I have looked through the forum up to now, all suggested workaround doesn't work for me.

Change History (6)

in reply to:  description comment:1 by youyuas, 14 years ago

Something I noticed is the VboxSVC.exe process. Sometimes, after I exit the whole vbox, i can still find a vboxSVC.exe process running. To continue running OS, I have to kill it manually, otherwise, vbox will report some error.

Replying to youyuas:

I only used two versions of virtualbox, 3.2.0 and 3.2.6. I can see this problem under both of the 2 versions.

My work steps are as follows,

  1. Import a .vmdk format harddisk file (WinXP installed).
  2. Clone it to another new harddisk file and uses it in in vm
  3. create a sharewrite and shareread folder for vm.
  4. start OS.
  5. With OS working, create a snapshot.
  6. Then, each time I use VM, restore the snapshot to the working state. (PS, not only restore files, but also its state. In another work, both call Vboxmanager snapshot <vos> restore <snapshot> and vboxmanager adoptstate <vos> <snapshot>)

Now, it can work fine. But sometime, after a OS reboot, VM snapshot can't be restore correctly. After restore the snapshot, you can see OS state can't be restored, only files are restored. If you press start button on GUI, you can see guest OS start from boot, but not from the snapshot state.

call vboxmanager adoptstate <vos> <snapshot> and call vboxmanager startvm <vos>, vbox reports error

virtualbox E_FAIL (0x80004005) The VM session was closed before any attempt to power it on

Start from GUI, it reports

E_FAIL (0x80004005) Component: Machine GUI: ISession {12f4dcdb-12b2-4ec1-b7cd-ddd9f6c5bf4d}

Only workaround is to delete the snapshot and create it again.

PS: I have looked through the forum up to now, all suggested workaround doesn't work for me.

comment:2 by J. Lambrecht, 14 years ago

I have the exact same error, cannot find the VboxSVC.exe in the process list. IMHO the vm-image itself is broken in the way it saves it's state. This error is 'suddenly' happening to every vm i've created so far.

Noticeable is the VboxGuestAdditions iso which had been moved to another location ( by myself ) is now impossible to release in the management dialog. While the re-added image can be released.

Resultaat code: E_FAIL (0x80004005) Component: Machine Interface: ISession {12f4dcdb-12b2-4ec1-b7cd-ddd9f6c5bf4d}

comment:3 by J. Lambrecht, 14 years ago

In addition, fidling with the settings for a VM does make it boot but not complete the boot process ( windows on windows )

comment:4 by J. Lambrecht, 14 years ago

Sorry for these updates, managed to find out what this is about. All affected hosts where windows guests on a windows7 installation. AND they all had the VirtualBoxGuestAdditions iso mounted to the storage. Remember this image was moved to a new folder without releasing the image first. The name for this image is stuck in the interface without any option to release. At least, i think i move it, i remember moving a bunch of iso's to a different location without thinking of causing trouble.

After checking with every machine to release the image i've succesfully started every single one of the images and did so repeatedly.

comment:5 by frankk74, 13 years ago

Same problem. V3.2.12 should be easily reproducible.

Win7u host Win7hp guest.

Host had 2 x dvd drives but both were open because I had just finished burning some discs.

Once I closed the drives it booted ok.

comment:6 by Frank Mehnert, 9 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Resolution: obsolete
Status: newclosed
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