
Opened 15 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#5892 closed defect (fixed)

fileaio-solaris.cpp missing in Virtualbox 3.1.2 OSE

Reported by: Max Owned by:
Component: other Version: VirtualBox 3.1.2
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: other Host type: Solaris



I'm trying to compile Virtualbox OSE under Nexenta (Opensolaris based). However compilation fails:

== kmk[2]: * No rule to make target /export/home/max/VirtualBox-3.1.2_OSE/src/VBox/Runtime/r3/solaris/fileaio-solaris.cpp', needed by /export/home/max/VirtualBox-3.1.2_OSE/out/solaris.x86/release/obj/VBoxRT/r3/solaris/fileaio-solaris.o'. Stop. ==

The file "fileaio-solaris.cpp" does not exist.

== max@nexenta:~/VirtualBox-3.1.2_OSE$ ls src/VBox/Runtime/r3/solaris alloc-solaris.cpp mp-solaris.cpp rtProcInitExePath-solaris.cpp

max@nexenta:~/VirtualBox-3.1.2_OSE$ find . |grep aio ./src/VBox/Runtime/r3/linux/fileaio-linux.cpp ./src/VBox/Runtime/r3/win/fileaio-win.cpp ./src/VBox/Runtime/r3/freebsd/fileaio-freebsd.cpp ./src/VBox/Runtime/r3/posix/fileaio-posix.cpp ./src/VBox/Runtime/include/internal/fileaio.h ==

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Ramshankar Venkataraman, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Thank you for the report. The missing file has been exported to OSE. You could update your tree and get the missing file in some hours.

comment:2 by Juergen Keil, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

Shouldn't the missing file be included in the VirtualBox-3.1.4-OSE.tar.bz2 file?

$ gtar tfj VirtualBox-3.1.4-OSE.tar.bz2 |grep aio
gtar: Recordgröße = 10 Blöcke

And the build still fails with:

kmk[2]: *** No rule to make target `/files2/vbox/src/VirtualBox-3.1.4_OSE/src/VBox/Runtime/r3/solaris/fileaio-solaris.cpp', needed by `/files2/vbox/src/VirtualBox-3.1.4_OSE/out/solaris.amd64/release/obj/VBoxRT/r3/solaris/fileaio-solaris.o'.  Stop.

comment:3 by Ramshankar Venkataraman, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

Exported it to the 3.1 branch as well, should show up in the next release.

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