
Opened 16 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#3984 closed defect (fixed)

Unable to restore state under certain conditions (VBox 2.2.2) -> fixed in SVN/3.0.10

Reported by: Casper Owned by:
Component: shared folders Version: VirtualBox 3.0.0
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: other Host type: other


I had created a Windows XP VM in the previous version of VB on Ubuntu 8.10. This worked fine. After I upgraded VB to 2.2.2 and Ubuntu to 9.04 I get the message: "Unable to restore the virtual machine's saved state" Details of the error message can be found in the attached files

Attachments (5)

VBox.log (41.7 KB ) - added by Casper 16 years ago.
Windows-2009-06-02-11-51-37.log (47.7 KB ) - added by RFK 16 years ago.
VBox.2.log (47.7 KB ) - added by Sasquatch 16 years ago.
2.2.4 failing restore saved state
vbox-2009-07-26-22-41-17.log (47.8 KB ) - added by 16 years ago.
LoadExec failed with rc=VERR_SSM_LOAD_CONFIG_MISMATCH for unit 'pgm'!
VBox.log.2 (41.6 KB ) - added by Martina Oefelein 15 years ago.
Log file with the error

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (42)

by Casper, 16 years ago

Attachment: VBox.log added

comment:1 by Frank Mehnert, 16 years ago

Which VBox version created the snapshot? Was that 2.2.2?

comment:2 by Casper, 16 years ago

I first discarded the old snapshots, made with the previous version. Then I suspended the machine with the 2.2.2 version. Only, still I get the above described problem.

Regards -- Casper

comment:3 by Frank Mehnert, 16 years ago

Component: otherVMM
Host type: Linuxother
Summary: Unable to restore state after upgrade to VirtualBox 2.2.2 r46594 linux.amd64 (Apr 27 2009 18:57:04) releaseUnable to restore state (VBox 2.2.2)

comment:4 by Frank Mehnert, 16 years ago

Summary: Unable to restore state (VBox 2.2.2)Unable to restore state under certain conditions (VBox 2.2.2)

comment:5 by Jerome Poulin, 16 years ago

I just want to subscribe to this bug as is now a duplicate of here.

comment:6 by RFK, 16 years ago

I want to subscribe too, because I'm having the same problem under OSX 10.5.7 host.

comment:7 by Franck, 16 years ago

Same thing under 10.5.7 host.

I have to shut down the guest OS since i cannot save the state

comment:8 by Frank Mehnert, 16 years ago

To all: This bug is quite difficult to reproduce for us. We are looking for an easy way to reproduce this bug to be able to test a potential fix.

comment:9 by RoBox, 16 years ago

I just tried it again and yes, fail. since I can't copy and paste the text of the error:

  1. pause virtual machine
  2. close menu > save state
  3. try to start virtual machine


comment:10 by RoBox, 16 years ago

I should also say that: I had multiple snapshots. Most recent was of running machine. Tried to revert to current snapshot and that did not fix problem. Had to discard it. Still did not fix it. Had to discard another snapshot. No. Discarded my final snapshot and it still gets the same error. Guest VM remains in "saved" state.

in reply to:  8 comment:11 by RFK, 16 years ago

Replying to frank:

To all: This bug is quite difficult to reproduce for us. We are looking for an easy way to reproduce this bug to be able to test a potential fix.

I'm willing to work with you on helping you reproduce the bug. My information is in my posts at

comment:14 by Jerome Poulin, 16 years ago

I just want to add that now that I switched back to my normal image, switching network card won't help, I need to completely disable all network cards except the first NAT card, using PCNet III, at least I can confirm it is network related!

My setup is:
Net1:  NAT PCNet III
Net2:  Bridged Server T to eth0
Net3:  Bridged PCNet III to wlan0
this setup causes the problem with my XP.

Sorry for the French box, forgot to add this to my last message.

PS.: Don't know how I got that last empty comment...

comment:15 by RoBox, 16 years ago

I should add, I was able to create a new VM and point it to the .vdi file and get it to work that way. So, it was just a corrupted save state or XML file that was the problem. That was after I had discarded all the snapshots, however. I don't know if I could have done that with some snapshots active or just edit the XML file (which is only possible apparently after all instances of VirtualBox executable are closed) not that I'd know how to edit that anyway.

comment:16 by Blake Blackshear, 16 years ago

I was not able to recreate the error on another machine, but was able to fix it by switching to all PCNet III adapters rather than Intel MT 1000 Desktop.

comment:17 by donaldshimoda, 16 years ago

I can confirm same problem, host linux 64 bits

Linux xxxxxx #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon May 25 14:24:03 COT 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux

guest windows xp SP3

3 network cards, all PCNet III adapters, one of this have bridged networking.

If i DISABLE that board anca save the state. If i ENABLE the bridged board the saved state cannot be restored.

comment:18 by Peter Arrenbrecht, 16 years ago

Same here, Ubuntu 9.04 64bit host, WinXP SP 3 guest, PCNet-Fast III Host-only adapter and PCNet-Fast III NAT adapter. Disabling the NATed adapter seems to have fixed the problem.

Error message:

Failed to start the virtual machine WinXP.
Unable to restore the virtual machine's saved state from '.../Snapshots/{40200540-be37-402c-b783-93e135743aa3}.sav'.
It may be damaged or from an older version of VirtualBox. 
Please discard the saved state before starting the virtual machine (VERR_SSM_LOAD_CONFIG_MISMATCH).


Result Code: 
NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)
IConsole {9511bc54-15ee-4ddf-808e-472aba03809c}

comment:19 by Casper, 16 years ago

I can confirm the problem is in the network card interfaces. I have normally two network cards, one for wired and one for wireless. I disabled the wireless and then I could save and restore state without any problems.

Regards Casper

comment:20 by Frank Mehnert, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:21 by Jerome Poulin, 16 years ago

Fixed like in SVN and next version of Virtual Box or fixed as if you want to restore use PCNet III, or as this bug is now network related and another bug is open?

in reply to:  20 comment:22 by RFK, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

Replying to frank: It's not fixed as far as I am concerned. I still receive the same "Unable to restore the virtual machine's saved state".

comment:23 by Frank Mehnert, 16 years ago

RFK, please attach a VBox.log file of such an attempt to restore a saved state.

by RFK, 16 years ago


comment:24 by tim-mattison, 16 years ago

I have several Ubuntu images that exhibit this sort of problem but don't give me any error message. I am running Mac OS 10.5.7 and VirtualBox 2.2.2 r47978. When I pause an Ubuntu 64-bit image it goes and saves the state to disk and then as soon as the virtual machine closes it shows "Aborted" in the VirtualBox window.

I will gather some logs and submit them in a few days.

comment:25 by Sasquatch, 16 years ago

I have the same problems, using 3 NICs with the Intel adapter. One attached to bridged (wlan, which is no longer connected though), one to internal and the last one to NAT. Log added. I don't have any snapshots on the VM. This is really problematic, as I saved it's state so I could continue on some documents. Luckily, I saved them before sending the VM to saved state, but it's still a big issue. VB 2.2.4, Linux Host, XP Guest. Strangely, a Linux VM doesn't give these errors, while the settings are almost the same. Only difference is one NIC setting, instead of Bridged it's attached to Host-Only. And no USB enabled, compared to the Windows XP VM.

by Sasquatch, 16 years ago

Attachment: VBox.2.log added

2.2.4 failing restore saved state

comment:26 by Frank Mehnert, 16 years ago

Sasquatch, did you try 3.0.0 Beta1 by chance? The Beta contains an additional fix regarding this problem

comment:27 by Sasquatch, 16 years ago

No, I haven't tried the beta yet, because I need a stable system right now. I will update next week to the beta, but until then, I guess I have to live with it. I might remove the Bridged adapter (hook it to something else) and disable USB and see how that goes.

comment:28 by Sasquatch, 16 years ago

I've done a few tests, disabling both USB and changing the bridged adapter to "not attached", then only disabling USB, and as last change the bridged adapter while USB is enabled again. All these scenarios didn't change a thing, it restored just fine. I let the VM go to the logon screen and logged in, both with the same results. Even changing the settings back to how they were didn't cause a failure in restoring the VM state.

Now the only thing that I'm certain off that was different, was that I was using Shared Folders when it failed, and the tests I just did was with a clean boot, nothing opened or anything. Now I can't seem to make it fail again.

comment:29 by Frank Mehnert, 16 years ago

Indeed, we believe that this problem is related to shared folders. If someone could install the Beta 2 (just released) and reproduce this problem we would appreciate if one could upload a VBox.log file because we added some logs which might help us finding the problem.

comment:30 by sunlover, 16 years ago

Component: VMMshared folders
Resolution: duplicate
Status: reopenedclosed
Summary: Unable to restore state under certain conditions (VBox 2.2.2)Unable to restore state under certain conditions (VBox 2.2.2) -> Duplicate of #1595
Version: VirtualBox 2.2.2VirtualBox 3.0.0

This is most likely a duplicate of The problem with shared folders and saved state has been fixed. The next VBox version will contain the fix.

by, 16 years ago

LoadExec failed with rc=VERR_SSM_LOAD_CONFIG_MISMATCH for unit 'pgm'!

comment:31 by, 16 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: closedreopened

I've reopened this bug because I don't think it's really fixed.

After the upgrade from Virtualbox 2.x to 3.0.2 the guest (win xp) doesn't resume from the suspended state with the following error:

00:00:19.321 SSM: LoadExec failed with rc=VERR_SSM_LOAD_CONFIG_MISMATCH for unit 'pgm'!

I've attached the vbox-2009-07-26-22-41-17.log file.

comment:32 by sunlover, 16 years ago

The problem with shared folders has been fixed. You experienced another problem.

You had a saved state from version 2.x and then tried to load the saved state using VBox 3.0.2, right?

comment:33 by, 16 years ago

Yes. Shouldn't Virtualbox convert or read anyway the old saved state?

comment:34 by Frank Mehnert, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed


in reply to:  32 comment:35 by Zooko, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

Replying to sunlover:

The problem with shared folders has been fixed. You experienced another problem.

You had a saved state from version 2.x and then tried to load the saved state using VBox 3.0.2, right?

I seem to be having this "another problem". I'm running Ubuntu, and was using virtualbox-ose 2.1.4-dfsg-1ubuntu3 to run a Windows XP guest. I saved state with that, upgraded to Karmic, and now I have virtualbox-ose 3.0.6-dfsg-1ubuntu1. When I try to resume, I get:

Failed to start the virtual machine wxp.

Unable to restore the virtual machine's saved state from '/home/zooko/.VirtualBox/Machines/wxp/Snapshots/{aaa9de2e-7d47-4baf-98f2-6726b3533cb4}.sav'. It may be damaged or from an older version of VirtualBox. Please discard the saved state before starting the virtual machine (VERR_SSM_LOAD_CONFIG_MISMATCH).

Details: Result Code:

NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005) Component: Console Interface: IConsole {0a51994b-cbc6-4686-94eb-d4e4023280e2}

I've opened a ticket with Ubuntu here:

frank: I don't understand what you mean by saying "Yes" and closing this ticket. Is there a different ticket for this problem? Is saving with 2 and resuming with 3 a wontfix?


comment:36 by Zooko, 15 years ago

I added a note to sketching out how I worked-around this by downgrading to the older virtualbox and shutting down the guest.

comment:37 by Martina Oefelein, 15 years ago

I have a similar problem after upgrading from VirtualBox 2.1.2 to 3.08. Host is Mac OS X 10.6, Guest Windows 2000 VM had no audio, no USB, no CD-ROM...

The log contains the same message: SSM: LoadExec failed with rc=VERR_SSM_LOAD_CONFIG_MISMATCH for unit 'pgm'!

After downgrading to VB 2.1.2 the VM works again.

by Martina Oefelein, 15 years ago

Attachment: VBox.log.2 added

Log file with the error

comment:38 by Sander van Leeuwen, 15 years ago

Summary: Unable to restore state under certain conditions (VBox 2.2.2) -> Duplicate of #1595Unable to restore state under certain conditions (VBox 2.2.2) -> fixed in SVN/3.0.10

comment:39 by Frank Mehnert, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed
Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.

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