
Opened 15 months ago

#21527 new enhancement

"Open Notification Center" directly on top of X for certain maximized windows in VM

Reported by: Steve Sybesma Owned by:
Component: other Version: VirtualBox-7.0.6
Keywords: open notification center button Cc:
Guest type: Windows Host type: Windows


Not all apps put their X to close the window in exactly the same spot but often about 10 pixels or so below where Explorer puts its X which causes a nuisance. For example, Firefox puts its X directly below your "Open Notification Center" button.

I don't know how much variation exists among developers (though there is obviously some).

It seems the best approach to take is like what TeamViewer did for a slightly similar problem and make a way for the user to move the button out of the way themselves, that way you don't have to move to another permanent spot which could potentially be a problem for someone else and recycle the problem.

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