
Opened 4 years ago

#19174 new defect

Guest List disappears abruptly if dragged too far left

Reported by: scottgus1 Owned by:
Component: GUI Version:
Keywords: guest list disappears drag left Cc:
Guest type: all Host type: Windows


There is a join between the guest list and the settings where the mouse cursor changes to indicate that the join can be dragged. Dragging this to the left causes the guest list to shrink in width. Eventually the guest list stops shrinking as the mouse continues dragging left. Continue dragging left more than half the width of the now-non-shrinking guest list, and the whole guest list disappears, with no visible indication of any possible way to restore it, or any column to show there's something that can be dragged to the right.

In Virtualbox.xml, this is shown:

<ExtraDataItem name="GUI/SplitterSizes" value="0,###"/> ('###' being the actual width of the GUI window)

It is still possible to show the list by dragging right from the far left, or issuing this commmand:

VBoxManage setextradata global GUI/SplitterSizes

I don't know if the hard disappearing snap or having no visible sign something is draggable there is by design, but a slightly showing guest list (~20 pixels?) might mitigate the forum users wondering where their guest list has gone.

The hard disappearing snap occurs in 5.2.28, 6.0.14, and 6.1.0. 5.2.28 does show a thin vertical drag bar.

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