
Opened 5 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#18650 new defect

Ubuntu Issues

Reported by: MitchB Owned by:
Component: other Version: VirtualBox 6.0.8
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: Linux Host type: Linux


Good Evening,

I just wanted to raise an issue I have with Ubuntu on VirtualBox. I have tried increasing the memory, changing from dynamic to fixed memory, changing CPUs as well as changing various advanced settings.

I tried on a different laptop and it worked fine with 18.04, I exported the appliance and importing it onto this laptop failed. The only difference is that Hyper-V is not installed on the other laptop though it is on this. I saw there may be an issue with Hyper-V but I use both VirtualBox and Hyper-V.

I'd just like to raise this as a defect, and also this has been an issue on the current version and the base 6.0.0

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Socratis, 5 years ago

  1. It's usually better and faster, if issues get first addressed in the VirtualBox forums, a lot more eyes there. More than 95% of the issues are resolved in the forums, which keeps the developers focusing on the bug fixes and enhancements, and there is no need for another ticket to keep track of. For example, yours is most probably not a bug and someone from the developers has to deal with it and close it as "Invalid".

Plus a discussion and analysis on the bug tracker is going to help me, you, and potentially a future drive-by user or two. Not so in the forums, many more tend to benefit...

  1. You were supposed to follow these steps when you filed the bug, and provide a VBox.log:

    Attach a (full) log file ("Machine" menu/"Show Log" in the main VirtualBox Manager window) straight away to save time for you and for us. The log file contains a lot of useful information about both the host and the guest systems as well as information about what happened during a particular machine run. Please do not cut and paste it.

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