
Opened 6 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#18000 new enhancement

inaccessability of virtual box guest controls on nvda

Reported by: ilyapashuk Owned by:
Component: GUI Version: VirtualBox 5.2.18
Keywords: accessibility, ScreenReader Cc:
Guest type: all Host type: Windows


the guest controls that contains in running machine window is fully unaccessable for nvda screenreader ( this impacts 99% of controls in machines window (machine menu, shutdown dialog, settings dialog, error dialogs...) settings dialog unaccessable only when it opened from machine window. if it opened from main vbox window, it fully accessable.

also I have sugestion to fix it: the nvda screenreader has an a special library, called nvda controller client ( this library allow apps to send text directly to screenreader. I know that every gui item has focus event. If VirtualBox Gui Application will send to nvda names of dialogs and menu items, possible without any status information, it will become accessable without any big interface changes. I'm also starting developer and I know that it's very easy to implement, but, if it will be implemented, vbox become mutch more accessable.

I placed the same request in main VirtualBox forum and in VBoxDev list, but no get any response.

Change History (2)

in reply to:  description comment:1 by lukaszgo1, 6 years ago

Replying to ilyapashuk:

also I have sugestion to fix it: the nvda screenreader has an a special library, called nvda controller client ( this library allow apps to send text directly to screenreader. I know that every gui item has focus event. If VirtualBox Gui Application will send to nvda names of dialogs and menu items, possible without any status information, it will become accessable without any big interface changes.

I can confirm this issue, but fixing it in this way is really bad idea. First of all the QT interface can be made accessible, so there is no reason to send anything directly to the screen reader. Second when users presses any NVDA command e.g for reporting currently focused object they will hear unknown, and not the focused control. And finally for braille display users the NVDA Controller is able to send only flash messages.

comment:2 by janitor, 6 years ago

Keywords: accessibility added; AccessAbility removed
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