
Opened 8 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#16025 closed defect (fixed)

Drag and Drop doesn't work for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS guest -> fixed in 5.2.20

Reported by: weeix Owned by:
Component: drag and drop Version: VirtualBox 5.1.6
Keywords: Cc: Karen Lujan
Guest type: Linux Host type: Mac OS X


Hi, I'm using VirtualBox 5.1.6 r110634 (Qt5.5.1) on OS X El Capitan 10.11.6

  1. Drag and Drop from guest to host works for every guest type
  2. Drag and Drop from host to guest works for Windows 7 guest
  3. Drag and Drop from host to guest doesn't work for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS guest

I'm here to report the 3rd case. Full logs are attached in


00:08:31.585647 DnD: Guest is using protocol v3, rc=VINF_SUCCESS
00:08:31.585681 DnD: Offered formats to guest:
00:08:31.585687 DnD: 	text/uri-list
00:08:37.782901 DnD: Host is sending 50 bytes of data as 'text/uri-list'
00:08:37.784516 DnD: Processing: srcPath=/Users/fitc/Documents/rfd-units-2558.xlsx, dstPath=rfd-units-2558.xlsx, fMode=0x8081ed, cbSize=12660, fIsDir=false, fIsFile=true 
00:08:37.784546 DnD: Transferring host file to guest: /Users/fitc/Documents/rfd-units-2558.xlsx (12660 bytes, mode 0x8081ed)
00:08:37.784879 DnD: Processing: srcPath=/Users/fitc/Documents/rfd-units-2558.xlsx, dstPath=rfd-units-2558.xlsx, fMode=0x8081ed, cbSize=12660, fIsDir=false, fIsFile=true 
00:08:37.784914 DnD: File transfer to guest complete: /Users/fitc/Documents/rfd-units-2558.xlsx
00:08:37.786300 DnD: Transfer to guest complete


08:00:11.477832 00007f041759d780 main     DnD: Entered new window 0x3a00005 ('unity-launcher'), supports Xdnd version=5
08:00:11.495738 00007f041751b700 dndX11   DnD: Target window 0x3a00005 ('unity-launcher') is asking for data as 'text/uri-list'
08:00:11.611136 00007f041759d780 main     DnD: Left old window 0x3a00005 ('unity-launcher'), Xdnd version=5
08:00:11.611214 00007f041759d780 main     DnD: Entered new window 0x3c0000a ('wees@virt-mgr: ~'), supports Xdnd version=5
08:00:11.969230 00007f041759d780 main     DnD: Left old window 0x3c0000a ('wees@virt-mgr: ~'), Xdnd version=-1
08:00:11.981210 00007f041759d780 main     DnD: Entered new window 0x2a00127 ('Documents'), supports Xdnd version=5
08:00:11.990949 00007f041751b700 dndX11   DnD: Target window 0x2a00208 ('nautilus') is asking for data as 'text/uri-list'
08:00:13.146789 00007f041759d780 main     DnD: Left old window 0x2a00127 ('Documents'), Xdnd version=-1
08:00:13.265946 00007f041759d780 main     DnD: Entered new window 0x2a0000a ('Desktop'), supports Xdnd version=5
08:00:13.272896 00007f041751b700 dndX11   DnD: Target window 0x2a00208 ('nautilus') is asking for data as 'text/uri-list'
08:00:13.644222 00007f041759d780 main     DnD: Left old window 0x2a0000a ('Desktop'), Xdnd version=5
08:00:13.644413 00007f041759d780 main     DnD: Entered new window 0x2a00127 ('Documents'), supports Xdnd version=5
08:00:13.721890 00007f041751b700 dndX11   DnD: Target window 0x2a00208 ('nautilus') is asking for data as 'text/uri-list'
08:00:17.676783 00007f041759d780 main     DnD: Drop event from host resuled in: VINF_SUCCESS
08:00:17.680174 00007f041759d780 main     DnD: Received unsupported message: 210
08:00:17.680284 00007f041759d780 main     DnD: Error processing message 210, failed with VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, resetting all}}}

Attachments (1) (21.7 KB ) - added by weeix 8 years ago.
VBox.log and VBoxClient.log

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (5)

by weeix, 8 years ago

Attachment: added

VBox.log and VBoxClient.log

comment:1 by Michael Thayer, 8 years ago

See also ticket #14743.

More or less copied-and-pasted from my comment there: I am afraid that due to lack of resources we are not likely to be able to look at this in the foreseeable future. Since this is something that should be debuggable and hopefully fixable by someone with reasonable X11 programming experience I would suggest that if you are able to (and interested), you could take a look at the problem. I do not know this particular area of our code, but I am generally familiar with how our X11 and Linux Additions work, so I would be able to provide any necessary background knowledge as long as I do not have to invest too much time. Sorry about that, but let's make this an opportunity to get more people involved in VirtualBox development.

Version 0, edited 8 years ago by Michael Thayer (next)

comment:2 by Michael Thayer, 8 years ago

Component: guest additionsdrag and drop

comment:3 by Michael Thayer, 8 years ago

Cc: Karen Lujan added

Added bigmidget to CC.

comment:4 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
Summary: Drag and Drop doesn't work for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS guestDrag and Drop doesn't work for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS guest -> fixed in 5.2.20
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