
Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#15481 closed defect (duplicate)

Ubuntu 16.04 + Chromium having issues with 3D passthrough -> duplicate of #15417.

Reported by: pxenos Owned by:
Component: guest additions/x11/graphics Version: VirtualBox 5.0.20
Keywords: 3D passthrough Cc:
Guest type: Linux Host type: other


After upgrading both VBOX to 5.0.20 and Ubuntu (guest) to 16.04 and starting up my Guest on a Windows 7 host, everything seemed fine for a while. Even after installing guest additions (5.0.20) no major issue was noticed immediately.

Problems were noticed however, when starting Chromium with it's hangouts app extension. It seem to work for the first page or so, and then goes haywire and nothing is visible in the Chromium tabs (or the Hangouts app).

Will revert to 5.0.16 as recommended, or disable 3D acceleration as a workaround

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Michael Thayer, 8 years ago

Component: guest additionsguest additions/x11/graphics
Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed
Summary: Ubuntu 16.04 + Chromium having issues with 3D passthroughUbuntu 16.04 + Chromium having issues with 3D passthrough -> duplicate of #15417.

Duplicate of #15417.

Please see the wiki page regarding user contributions to X11 guest 3D support.

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