
Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#15304 closed defect (invalid)

Windows 10 host seems to be filtering network traffic for guests

Reported by: Rafcio Owned by:
Component: network Version: VirtualBox 5.0.16
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: Windows Host type: Windows


I have the same situation happening on multiple Windows 10 hosts. They were all upgraded from Windows 7 and VirtualBox has been reinstalled on one of them to test the possibility that the upgrade broke it. Unfortunately, re-installation of VBox didn't help. This is also happening with multiple guests (Windows 7, XP), so it's pretty much widespread. VBox is unusable on Windows 10 hosts.
It looks like there is some kind of network filtering happening. It's not that networking is not working at all on the guests. There seems to be things that work (i.e. nslookup works) and things that don't work (i.e. ping). If a start a browser I can get to some sites, but most of them don't work. It looks like http is being filtered out, but https is actually working. When I move the VM to Windows 7 host everything is working perfectly, so the problem is clearly on the host side.

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Change History (4)

by Rafcio, 8 years ago

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comment:1 by Valery Ushakov, 8 years ago

Your VM has two network adapters bridged to host's wired and wireless adapters respectively. Are these adapters both active at the same time? Are they connected to the same network? What is the routing configuration you end up with on both the host and the guest? When you move the VM to Windows 7 host, is that host have the same network configuration as the Windows 10 host?

comment:2 by Rafcio, 8 years ago

Actually, further testing that I've done after I created this ticket revealed that it's a firewall in the Symantec Endpoint Protection that is filtering the traffic. Completely strange as for example http is blocked, but https is not. Before I upgraded to Windows 10, still on Windows 7, there was no problem at all. VMs were working just fine. After the upgrade the same problem happened on 3 different machines. The SEP version didn't change, but the base OS did. I assumed that it was VB problem, but it's not. When I disable the firewall in SEP the clients work normally as they did under Windows 7. It must be a bug in SEP and I'm on the latest version 12.1.6 MP4. I'm going to open a case with Symantec, but if you work with them you can also let them know about the issue. You can close this ticket as this is obviously not a VB problem.

comment:3 by Valery Ushakov, 8 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Thanks for the update.

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