
Opened 9 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#14642 closed defect (fixed)

VB crashes 2-3 sec. after start - no error messages (Windows 10)

Reported by: Jörg Hofmann Owned by:
Component: other Version: VirtualBox 5.0.4
Keywords: crash virtualbox Cc:
Guest type: Windows Host type: Windows


Hi, my Laptop (yoga 11s) updated to Win 10 (Build 10240) [from Win8.1 pro] two days ago.

Now when I start VB Manage, the GUI Shows for about 2-3 sec and then crashes:

  • With stable 5.0.4: => Windows Reports a "program caused an error and will be closed" message => Event log Shows "application errors" 1000 for virtualbox.exe (with cause differing: most MSVCR100.DLL, some ntdll.dll) => using "vboxmanage.exe" I could launch one of my VM's (the one I need), but it also vanishes (w/o error Messages) after a few seconds before being fully loaded
  • also tried + uninstalling (incl. rebooting) and reinstalling (also tried with Option "no brigded Networking" for that was a Problem last year with win10) => no effect + installed today's test build 5.0.5 => same effect, but not not even an "application error" in Windows Event Log

Win 10 has all Updates, all other programs I use are running fine. Needn't to say that all Google-ing didn't give a hint for the root cause.

I've attached one of the event entries and the newest vbstartup.log (frmo 5.0.5)

Attachments (4)

win_application_error_1000_virtualbox-exe.txt (1.9 KB ) - added by Jörg Hofmann 9 years ago.
Windows Event log
VBoxStartup.log (289.8 KB ) - added by Jörg Hofmann 9 years ago.
vb startup log
MemTest86.log (108.9 KB ) - added by Jörg Hofmann 9 years ago.
Memtest86 LOG
VBoxAppVerif.xml (64.3 KB ) - added by Jörg Hofmann 9 years ago.
AppVerif LOG (XML)

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (14)

by Jörg Hofmann, 9 years ago

Windows Event log

by Jörg Hofmann, 9 years ago

Attachment: VBoxStartup.log added

vb startup log

comment:1 by Frank Mehnert, 9 years ago

To debug this we need an application dump, see here (scroll down to the Windows section).

in reply to:  1 comment:2 by Jörg Hofmann, 9 years ago

Replying to frank:

To debug this we need an application dump, see here (scroll down to the Windows section).

Minidump created ... zipped ~60M - that doesn't pass the 512k file upload Limit. Placed it here:

Hope it helps. J.

comment:3 by amedvedev, 9 years ago

The dump shown that there was some memory corruption. I cant't reproduce it on my environment. We need your help to identify a source of the memory corruption.

First, please, check the memory on your computer using a memtest86. If the memory is Ok then we need to check the source of the memory corruption in a VirtualBox proces.

To do that install an Application Verifier which is a part of MS Windows SDK. Configure the Applicatio Verifier to track memory usage errors in the VirtualBox process:

appverif /verify VirtualBox.exe

If you reproduce the issue using the appverifier then collect an appverifier log and send it to us:

appverif -export log -for VirtualBox.exe -with to=c:\VBoxAppVerif.xml

Switch off the appverifier after testing:

appverif /n VirtualBox.exe

comment:4 by Jörg Hofmann, 9 years ago


Memtest86 didn't Show any Errors (as expected ... log is attached)

I installed then the Win10 SDK, executed "appverif /verify VirtualBox.exe", startet VBox (where the GUI didn't show up and no visible "crash", but in the "dump"-Folder (still active from comment #1 above) showed a crash. Repeated this two more times (always no GUI, each with resulting crash dumps), then deactivated AppVerif & created the log as requested. Attached the APPVERIF LOG XML..hope this helps...

Version 0, edited 9 years ago by Jörg Hofmann (next)

by Jörg Hofmann, 9 years ago

Attachment: MemTest86.log added

Memtest86 LOG

by Jörg Hofmann, 9 years ago

Attachment: VBoxAppVerif.xml added

AppVerif LOG (XML)

comment:5 by amedvedev, 9 years ago

Thank you. Could you, please, upload a new dump.

comment:6 by Jörg Hofmann, 8 years ago

Uploaded two dumps:

  • from yesterday (with appverifier = on)
  • from today (appverifier = off)

same link to dropbox:

Any ideas yet? THX, J.

P.S. Windows 10 just updated itself to Build 10586.14 ... still crashing. Vbox is V5.0.8.3449

Last edited 8 years ago by Jörg Hofmann (previous) (diff)

comment:7 by amedvedev, 8 years ago

Both dumps 8100 and 10184 don't have enabled verifier. In same time there is not a heap corruption. Just Access Violation on same stack. So these dumps don't add new information about the issue.

The AppVerifier log shows set of errors from Crtypt32.dll that tries to access set of registry keys that looks like Crypto API keys. Really Windows doesn't create and doesn't use these keys. Seems they are created by some malware (see the records in - Seems AVR restricts access to these keys and we see information about that in App Verifier log. So I think you computer infected and I can suggest to use some other antivirus than AVR to cure it (seems AVR can't remove this malware)

comment:8 by Jörg Hofmann, 8 years ago

Did malwarechecks etc. (I'm spending many hours per year in cleaning some friend's infected computers) => not even a trace of some malware.

continued searching and stumbled over a site where somebody had the same Problem and got rid of it by downgrading VB.

so...after completely uninstalling VB5 and reinstalling VB4.3.10 => my VM is running fine & VB Manager is no longer crashing.

Seems like it's got nothing to do with my Laptop "in special" but more an issue with VB5 and some configs/installations in Win10 ... others seem to have no Problem with VB5 & Win 10...

Thanks for your help... you can Close this ticket. J.

comment:9 by Frank Mehnert, 8 years ago

Sorry but downgrading VirtualBox to 4.3.10 is not a solution as this old version contains several security bugs.

Do you experience the same problem with VBox 5.0.16?

comment:10 by Frank Mehnert, 8 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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