
Opened 9 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#14300 closed defect (duplicate)

Creating a child snapshot with different disc image attached also changes the one attached in main snapshot

Reported by: mYse|f Owned by:
Component: VM control Version: VirtualBox 5.0.0
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: Linux Host type: Linux


However, if the snapshots (later SS) were created using an older VirtualBox version, the images will stay correctly attached in 5.0.

How to reproduce: 1. Make sure you're running the latest VBox 5.0 as previous releases doesn't appear to have this issue. 2. Create a new virtual machine with arbitrary settings. 3. Attach a CD/DVD image of your choice, then create the first SS. 4. Once done, replace the attached CD/DVD image with a different one, and create a secondary SS. 5. Now restore the first SS and you should be able to see the that the attached CD/DVD image differs from what you used before.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by mYse|f, 9 years ago

Actually I just tried version 4.3.30 and this happens there too.

comment:2 by mYse|f, 9 years ago

This issue is not reproducible despite the fact that I haven't encountered it prior to VirtualBox 5.0.0*. I used to have two snapshots within the same virtual machine, each attached with a different operating system image (32 and 64 bit respectively) where Guest Additions was preinstalled. I used this setup for compilation purposes.

I solved this issue by creating two separate virtual machines (each for the given architecture).

* If I recall correctly, 4.3.24 was the last release this was fully tested on

comment:3 by Klaus Espenlaub, 7 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

Duplicate of 16545 - that ticket gave the key hint how to reproduce. Not that yours didn't, but when I read your report I didn't realize that this had to be done 'in one go'.

Version 0, edited 7 years ago by Klaus Espenlaub (next)
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