
Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#14074 closed defect (invalid)

[VBox 4.3.26] MS-DOS fails to format hdd (bad track 0), works in previous version -> not a bug

Reported by: agaace Owned by:
Component: virtual disk Version: VirtualBox 4.3.26
Keywords: unusable disk Cc:
Guest type: Windows Host type: other


I've tried recreating old virtual machines (created with a previous Virtual Box version) with the latest version: 4.3.26. Unsuccessfully.

Specifically, I tried MS-DOS 2.0, 2.1, 3.1 and 3.30. While the OS starts ok from a virtual floppy disk image, it fails to format the virtual HDD. I tried with a new expandable 16MB VHD and VDI files, both fail with message "Disk unusable, bad track 0".

I reverted back to Virtual Box version 4.3.12, repeated the exact same steps. I was able to successfully format the virtual hard drive (created a new VHD file).

REPRO STEPS: With VirtualBox 4.2.26: 1) Create a new machine with 16MB hdd (expandable, VHD) and 8 MB ram, name it "IBM DOS 2.00". 2) Insert the attached floppy image and boot the machine (note: the image is copyrighted, I am the owner of the original software I purchased, attaching it only for debugging purposes, please delete after the bug is fixed) 3) Press enter twice to accept current date and time. 4) Enter command "fdisk", press enter to create a partition, enter again to use the entire hdd. Wait foe the OS to reboot. 5) Enter command "format C: \S \V".

EXPECTED: 6) C: drive is successfully formatted as a MS-DOS bootable drive.

ACTUAL: 6) "Disk unusable - bad track 0" error. If you repeat steps 1-5 in VirtualBox version 4.3.12, the result is as expected.

Attachments (1)

Disk 1 of 2 - DOS.img (360.0 KB ) - added by agaace 9 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (5)

by agaace, 9 years ago

Attachment: Disk 1 of 2 - DOS.img added


comment:1 by agaace, 9 years ago

Host is Windows 8.1, guest is MS-DOS 2.00.

Version 0, edited 9 years ago by agaace (next)

comment:2 by Frank Mehnert, 9 years ago

priority: blockermajor

comment:3 by agaace, 9 years ago

Actually I think I figured out the issue and it is not a bug in VirtualBox.

IBM/MS-DOS 2.00 will *see* (and partition) hdd above 16 MB but will fail to format/use it correctly, while it will have no issues with hdd up to 16 MB.

Same with IBM/MS-DOS 3.10 - it will *see* (and partition) hdd above 32 MB, but will also fail to format/use it correctly, while it will have no issues with hdd up to 32 MB. When I was repro-ing the issue on different virtual box version, I messed up the OS/hdd combination, because I was not aware of the limitations.

I think this ticket can be now closed.

comment:4 by Michael Thayer, 9 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed
Summary: [VBox 4.3.26] MS-DOS fails to format hdd (bad track 0), works in previous version[VBox 4.3.26] MS-DOS fails to format hdd (bad track 0), works in previous version -> not a bug

Thanks for the investigation and the feedback.

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