
Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#12718 closed defect (invalid)

Ubuntu 13.04/13.10 AMD64 package doesn't install shortcut properly -> not a VirtualBox issue

Reported by: odigity Owned by:
Component: installer Version: VirtualBox 4.3.6
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: other Host type: Linux


I just installed VirtualBox 4.3.6 for the first time on my Ubuntu 13.10 laptop by downloading the appropriate debian package from the Downloads page and then double-clicking on it, launching the Ubuntu Software Center. Everything seemed to go fine.

When I was done, I tried searching for the VirtualBox GUI app in the Unity Dash, but it did not appear.

I then tried launching the app from the console with the command "$ virtualbox", which worked. It appeared in the Unity Launcher with an appropriate icon. I shut down the app, but it still did not appear when searching for it in the Dash.

Finally, I launched it from the console one last time, and this time I right-clicked on the Launcher icon and selected "Lock to Launcher" so the icon would remain after the app was closed. After closing the app, I again search for VirtualBox in the Unity Dash, and this time it appeared.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Michael Thayer, 10 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed
Summary: Ubuntu 13.04/13.10 AMD64 package doesn't install shortcut properly.Ubuntu 13.04/13.10 AMD64 package doesn't install shortcut properly -> not a VirtualBox issue

VirtualBox should be available via the Dash search function, but this is a Ubuntu function, not a VirtualBox one, and not anything we can really do much about if it isn't. By default it should not appear in the launcher.

comment:2 by Perry G, 10 years ago

As Michael said this is an Ubuntu "feature".

Start VirtualBox from the unity search bar and when open right click the icon on the launch bar and tell it to lock to launcher.

If you like that Ubuntu "feature" you'll really love the placement of title bar functions.

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