
Opened 11 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#11954 closed defect (obsolete)

Create hostonlyif and always get 2 interfaces with the same name

Reported by: Alps Owned by:
Component: network/hostif Version: VirtualBox 4.2.16
Keywords: hostonlyifs Cc:
Guest type: Windows Host type: Windows


After upgrading to 4.2.12(no exactly know the accuate version number) or later vesion, I could't use hostonlyif anymore in my virtual machine any more. I found that when I tried to create 1 hostonlyif, and I would get 2 interfaces with the same name. However, I could remove the 2 interfaces by only one command. I tried to reinstall virtualbox but failed to get through this. My OS is Windows 8 X64. Below is the command line inputs and outputs:

c:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox>VBoxManage.exe list -l hostonlyifs

c:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox>VBoxManage.exe hostonlyif create 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100% Interface 'VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter' was successfully created

c:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox>VBoxManage.exe list -l hostonlyifs Name: VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter GUID: 5d99a14e-ac2e-4828-9870-19f6bee9ed84 DHCP: Disabled IPAddress: NetworkMask: IPV6Address: fe80:0000:0000:0000:f800:e136:c783:2fab IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 64 HardwareAddress: 08:00:27:00:10:03 MediumType: Ethernet Status: Up VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter

Name: VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter GUID: 6da56c07-f977-4e84-abd5-d85510dc613f DHCP: Disabled IPAddress: NetworkMask: IPV6Address: IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 0 HardwareAddress: 00:00:00:00:00:00 MediumType: Unknown Status: Unknown VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter

c:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox> c:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox> c:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox> c:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox>VBoxManage.exe hostonlyif remove "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter" 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100%

c:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox> c:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox> c:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox>VBoxManage.exe list -l hostonlyifs

c:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox>

Change History (8)

comment:1 by Alps, 11 years ago

Anyone met the same problem?

comment:2 by gremlin000, 11 years ago

I just saw this same problem on Windows 8 as well. I could not get a Host Only adapter to work with the same set of steps you posted above. Tried on VirtualBox 4.2.16 and 4.1.26

Last edited 11 years ago by gremlin000 (previous) (diff)

comment:3 by gremlin000, 11 years ago

I can also add that when creating the VirtualBox Host Only Adapter, a Windows error dialog is presented saying that you cannot rename Local Area Network Connection. Two Host Only adapters are shown in both the command line VBoxManage list hostonlyifs command as well as in the Preferences > Network GUI.

Last edited 11 years ago by gremlin000 (previous) (diff)

comment:4 by Aleksey Ilyushin, 11 years ago

Host type: LinuxWindows

comment:5 by Rob Ward, 11 years ago

I've also run into this same problem. I'm using VirtualBox 4.2.18 on Windows 8 x64.

Any help or workarounds would be most appreciated.

comment:6 by richardgh, 11 years ago

I also have this problem. VirtualBox 4.2.18 on Windows 8 x64.

I have done multiple uninstall/re-installs. I have tried purging entries/old UUIDs from the registry. Tried creating and removing additional host-only adapters.

If I knew where it got the list from it would help. I say that thinking I have purged all references from the registry, but clearly I could not have since it is not in the .xml file. I have deleted the .VirtualBox folder between installs.

I believe it started when I went to add a 2nd entry and the 2nd entry ended up with the exact same name, so "# 2" was NOT added to the end of the name. Prioer to that I had tried assigning the address to the original interface through the control panel, maybe even changed the name of the interface from "VirtualBox Host-Only Network".

comment:7 by richardgh, 11 years ago

Just installed 4.3.0.
Only saw 1 host-only adapater in gui.
Clicked to add another.
Got the following error.

Failed to create the host network interface.

Assertion failed: [!aGuid.isValid()] at 'D:\tinderbox\win-4.3\src\VBox\Main\src-server\HostNetworkInterfaceImpl.cpp' (74) in long __cdecl HostNetworkInterface::init(class com::Bstr,class com::Bstr,class com::Guid,enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_VirtualBox_0000_0000_0034).

Please contact the product vendor!.

Result Code: E_FAIL (0x80004005)
Component: HostNetworkInterface
Interface: IHostNetworkInterface {f6e556f9-d598-409b-898c-8ba99d9b05ae}

Last edited 11 years ago by richardgh (previous) (diff)

comment:8 by aeichner, 8 years ago

Resolution: obsolete
Status: newclosed

Please reopen if still relevant with a recent VirtualBox release.

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