
Opened 12 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#11219 closed defect (obsolete)

OS X Host panic

Reported by: digititus Owned by:
Component: other Version: VirtualBox 4.2.4
Keywords: aio_queue_async_request Cc:
Guest type: Linux Host type: Mac OS X

Description (last modified by Frank Mehnert)

I have Virtualbox 4.2.4 installed on OS X server 10.7.5 host. I have one VM running (Ubuntu 12.0.4 LTS), headless mode. I have had the system running for approximately 1 month. I have had 3 panics in this time where I have had to power cycle the host. Console log has many of the following errors:

Nov 19 00:51:25 mail kernel[0]: aio_queue_async_request(): too many in flight for proc: 16.
Nov 19 00:57:00 mail kernel[0]: aio_queue_async_request(): too many in flight for proc: 16.
Nov 19 01:20:33 mail kernel[0]: aio_queue_async_request(): too many in flight for proc: 16.
Nov 19 02:39:51 mail kernel[0]: aio_queue_async_request(): too many in flight for proc: 16.
Nov 19 05:47:14 mail kernel[0]: aio_queue_async_request(): too many in flight for proc: 16.
Nov 19 06:08:30 mail kernel[0]: aio_queue_async_request(): too many in flight for proc: 16.
Nov 19 06:09:06 mail kernel[0]: aio_queue_async_request(): too many in flight for proc: 16.
Nov 19 07:07:31 mail kernel[0]: aio_queue_async_request(): too many in flight for proc: 16.
Nov 19 07:36:31 mail kernel[0]: aio_queue_async_request(): too many in flight for proc: 16.
Nov 19 07:39:01 mail kernel[0]: aio_queue_async_request(): too many in flight for proc: 16.
Nov 19 07:44:07 mail kernel[0]: aio_queue_async_request(): too many in flight for proc: 16.

I have never seen these errors on this server before and the only new software is VBox. The server has been very stable up until this point. Any help finding the cause of this appreciated.

Change History (11)

comment:1 by Frank Mehnert, 12 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by vanilla2, 12 years ago

Bump. FWIW this is flagged as critical error by kernel.crit

I have same issue on 10.7.5 with vbx 4.2.6 r82870 (as of 2013-01-16, mac has all updates, and this is newest vbox). VM is running win7-64 with 2442 MB ram allotted.

12/17/12 1:16:04.000 AM kernel: aio_queue_async_request(): too many in flight for proc: 16.
12/17/12 2:04:47.000 AM kernel: aio_queue_async_request(): too many in flight for proc: 16.
12/12/12 2:39:05.000 AM kernel: aio_queue_async_request(): too many in flight for proc: 16.

(about one line every 10 minutes over past 34 or so days, total of 3266 crit notices and counting!)

Jan 16 16:27:39  kernel[0]: aio_queue_async_request(): too many in flight for proc: 16.
Jan 16 17:07:21  kernel[0]: aio_queue_async_request(): too many in flight for proc: 16.
Jan 16 17:27:38  kernel[0]: aio_queue_async_request(): too many in flight for proc: 16
$ sudo grep -i flight /var/log/kernel.log | wc
3266   42458  339664

Tried several reboots, and also updated vbox since 12/12/2012 but kernel.crit messages still filling /var/log/kernel.log

P.S. Sounds like same issue raised here in 2010 for 10.6.2 without any resolutions:

Last edited 12 years ago by Frank Mehnert (previous) (diff)

comment:3 by Frank Mehnert, 12 years ago

If you can reproduce this problem reliably, would the tweak as posted here help?

comment:4 by Frank Mehnert, 11 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

No response, closing.

comment:5 by CoreyAtOoyala, 11 years ago

I have two instances of 3 Windows VMs on a Mac Mini running 10.7.5 and VirtualBox 4.2.16r86992. Both instances have run into this error. Typically after about several days of operation. I don't have data on the exact timings.

Tried the sysctl tweaks recommended above:


This did not resolve the issue. I am currently trying the following values:


comment:6 by CoreyAtOoyala, 11 years ago

The following configurations all eventually result in unresponsive VMs:

  • 10.7.4 with a single windows 7 VM
  • 10.7.5 with two windows 7 VMs
  • 10.7.5 with one windows 7 VM and one Windows XP VM

The failures are all as follows:

  • "aio_queue_async_request(): too many in flight for proc: 16"
  • after several hundred of these warnings/errors disk IO errors are reported. Later filesystem diagnostics do not always find filesystem errors.
  • The windows VMs are mostly unresponsive. They will respond to pings and initial RDP connection negotiation. However, anything involving disk IO seems to freeze.
  • VBoxManage controlvm commands never complete. They typically freeze around "20..."

All of the systems have had the HDs pulled and were determined to have working HDs. Regardless, they were replaced. Once rebuilt to the same configuration the failures continued to occur.

The follow sysctl.conf configuration eliminated the aio warnings/errors but the VMs became unresponsive much quicker. On the order of several hours vs several days.


I replaced Mac 10.7.5 with Ubuntu 12.0.4 on one of the systems. 3 windows 7 VMs were placed on this system and subjected to the same testing load. No errors have occurred.

The following configurations all encountered aio errors but did not have unresponsive VMs:

  • 10.6.5 with single Windows 7 VM.
  • 2x 10.6.5 with three windows XP VMs.

These have been operating fine with


(previous post corrected for updated data.)

Last edited 11 years ago by CoreyAtOoyala (previous) (diff)

comment:7 by CoreyAtOoyala, 11 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: closedreopened

While I cannot provide an exact procedure for reproducing this failure, the failure still exists. Re-opening.

comment:8 by jamiekp, 11 years ago

I am having trouble with WIFI failing under OS X 10.9 when running VirtualBox. I started grepping my system logs for any suspicious messages and was lead here by the recurrence of the message mentioned in the report above.

It feels likely to me that this is the same issue but it is having a different effect on my system (s/kernel panic/wifi stops working/). I will try raising some of the limits mentioned to see if I have any luck.

comment:9 by petarb, 11 years ago

Adjusting kern.aio* sysctls helped with the panics and the minute-long lags, where kernel_task blocked everything for so long that even some fuse-mounts were "marked dead" and, subsequently, unmounted.

kernel_task is still not happy, though. And this affects everything, sound stutters, Bluetooth devices fail and the most critical issue: immediately after the lag, VMs sometimes receive the most recent keyboard input about 10 times.. which makes using the terminal somewhat risky.

The following Linux kernel messages seem to have their origin in this issue:

[  161.850031] hrtimer: interrupt took 56522379 ns
[  448.838969] [sched_delayed] sched: RT throttling activated
[ 4254.411876] atkbd serio0: Spurious NAK on isa0060/serio0. Some program might be trying to access hardware directly.

It's probably worth mentioning that the lags increase the longer a VM is running and that high kern.aio* values lead to weird VM-issues where some processes hang on io-calls for longer than 120 seconds.

P.S. The following post suggests that i7-OSX users don't have this problem:

P.P.S. Core 2 Duo MacBook with 8GB Ram, Snow Leopard (10.6.8, x86_64) and VirtualBox 4.3.4 (VTx enabled, one i686 and one amd64 Guest)

Last edited 11 years ago by petarb (previous) (diff)

comment:10 by petarb, 11 years ago

Enabling Host I/O caching for controllers that have local and file-based disks attached seems to have fixed 99% of the issues described above. Since more than 60 Minutes, one of my Host I/O cache enabled guests has been doing several tasks simultaneously (compiling a kernel, rehashing a large torrent, upgrading the bitcoin blockchain) and during that time I have observed only one system-wide lag (where everything froze for a split second followed by the guest spamming itself with my most recent keystroke). kernel_task is keeping quiet so is the most sensible host process, BluetoothAudioAgent. Without Host I/O caching, the latter would be completely unusable (i.e. the audio output over bluetooth would interrupt every few seconds).

The following line enables the Host I/O cache:

VBoxManage storagectl <vm> --name <controllername> --hostiocache on

In my case it was:

VBoxManage storagectl pintail --name SATA --hostiocache on

This probably also makes all the kern.aio* settings irrelevant.

Further implications of enabling the Host I/O cache are described here:

comment:11 by aeichner, 8 years ago

Resolution: obsolete
Status: reopenedclosed

Please reopen if still relevant with a recent VirtualBox release.

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