
Opened 12 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#10221 closed defect (worksforme)

VBoxManage guestcontrol execute: XP to Linux Not Working

Reported by: __LEO__ Owned by:
Component: guest control Version: VirtualBox 4.1.8
Keywords: VBoxManage guestControl Not Working Cc:
Guest type: other Host type: other


I can not run a program/script on my guest OS from my host OS.

I type the following code into a cmd prompt:

VboxManage guestcontrol “Linux Red Hat” execute –image “/bin/ls” –username root –password 12345
VBoxManage.exe error: The guest execution service is not ready (yet)

The VM is currently running. Here is the output:

    C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox>VBoxManage list runningvms
    "Red Hat Linux" {07a1f39d-bf93-406c-a840-1f86ace08636}

I also have "shared folders" working.

The attached log file shows verr_not_found

The attached log file shows /pwd not /ls but that shouldn't matter. I gave an up to date log output.

My Setup

Host OS Windows XP SP3

Guest OS Red Hat Linust (RHEL) 5.7

VirtualBox 4.1.8 for Windows hosts

Guest Additions Installed (Verified because I can share a folder from Host OS to Guest OS no problems)

Guest OS Network is working with NAT.

My original post to the forum:

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Attachments (1) (244.2 KB ) - added by __LEO__ 12 years ago.
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Change History (8)

by __LEO__, 12 years ago

Attachment: added

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comment:1 by Technologov, 12 years ago

It may be, that you forgot to install the GA.

Also See Test Results


in reply to:  1 comment:2 by __LEO__, 12 years ago

Technologov - I looked over your weblink and downloaded the stability matrix. I agree the auto-install for the guest additions does not work.

However, I am able to manually install the guest additions and get the shared folders to work. Now of course I am using 4.1.8 and not 4.1.6.

After the shared folders are setup, I still get the errors that I posted above. According to your excel sheet, this should work for guest OS linux RHEL 5.7.


comment:3 by Technologov, 12 years ago

Try this command:

VBoxManage guestcontrol "my VM" execute --image "/bin/uname" --username root --password 123456 --wait-stdout -- -a

(documented in my Excel file)


comment:4 by __LEO__, 12 years ago

Same Results when i tried the posted command.

VboxManage guestcontrol “Linux Red Hat” execute –image “/bin/uname” –username root –password 12345 --wait-stdout -- -a
VBoxManage.exe error: The guest execution service is not ready (yet)

And like last time. The "Shared Folder" functionality that comes with guest additions is up and working.

comment:5 by __LEO__, 12 years ago

Re: VBoxManage guestcontrol execute: XP to Linux Not Working

Postby LEO » 13. Feb 2012, 22:17 VBoxManage guestcontrol is now Working!

The guest additions were installed but not successfully. Meaning, I was able to use shared folders but the graphics portion of guest additions was not working. In a dialogue with a co-worker we discovered I compiled the guest additions against a xen kernel by accident. When I compiled again against a non-xen kernel everything worked.

In other words, kernel 2.6.18-274.el5-xen-i686 did not work with the installation of guest additions. Kernel 2.6.18-274.el5-i686 did work. The xen kernel was corrupted and I had to run the non-xen one.

Please close this bug. The solution was "Do not install guest additions against a *xen* kernel".

comment:6 by Frank Mehnert, 12 years ago

Component: otherguest control

comment:7 by Frank Mehnert, 11 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed
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