[vbox-dev] fw:Re: 3d acceleration of android-x86 for virtualbox

Michael Thayer michael.thayer at oracle.com
Sun Jul 23 10:14:00 GMT 2017

Hello All,

19.07.2017 13:35, Chih-Wei Huang wrote:
> Thank you for the detailed reply.
> Let me sum it up to see if I understand
> your words correctly:
> * Modify Mesa to recognize vboxvideo
> * Modify vboxvideo to send virgl rendering protocol to the host
> * Hook virglrenderer to vbox host code
> I have concern about the third step.
> As I know currently virglrenderer only supports Linux.
> (though I saw some Windows's patches are ongoing)
> That would limit our supported hosts.
> Besides, I think currently virglrenderer is still not stable
> or complete enough. As I tested on QEMU with virgl,
> many 3D benchmark apps don't work.
> (just crash or black screen)
> The only famous benchmark app that works on it
> is GLXBench.

Out of interest, how did the same tests fare with our 3D code in a Linux

> I'm still thinking if it's possible to use your current 3D code
> directly. Could you give us more ideas how it work
> for Linux or Windows guests? Or point us which
> code to read. Thanks a lot!

I will not be able to give you a detailed introduction to the code (for
time reasons, and because there are only a few areas that I know
particularly well).  That said, could you please tell me how far you got
with my previous pointers, what caused you difficulty in the information
I have given you so far, what you have looked at up to now and where you
are currently stuck?

Michael Thayer | VirtualBox engineer
ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG | Werkstr. 24 | D-71384 Weinstadt

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