[vbox-dev] v box registering COM objects

Lucian Apetre lucian_apetre at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 11 15:08:23 GMT 2013

I tried packing the original product:
1. i build the entire original project with kmk, build ok, 
2. run kmk packing, and after about 3 min it gave me an error:

D:/_WORK/Dale/VirtualBox-4.3.0/kBuild/bin/win.x86/kmk_redirect.exe -a+to D:/_WORK/Dale/VirtualBox-4.3.0_1/out/win.x86/release/obj/Installer/win/NLS/License_it_IT.wxl -- D:/_WORK/Dale/VirtualBox-4.3.0/kBuild/bin/win.x86/kmk_echo.exe -n '<String Id="LicenseText">'make (e=127): The specified procedure could not be found.
kmk: *** [D:/_WORK/Dale/VirtualBox-4.3.0_1/out/win.x86/release/bin/additions/VBoxWHQLFake.exe] Error 127
Do you have any idea how to  fix this, i'm trying just to pack the original version of vbox as a test
Thank you

On Monday, November 11, 2013 3:58 PM, Klaus Espenlaub <klaus.espenlaub at oracle.com> wrote:

On 11.11.2013 14:23, Lucian Apetre wrote:

Thank you for the hint,
>There is some documentation for the packing, if for eg i want to change some implementation in v box or add a new feature/ add a new dll?
There is not much documentation about packing as it's impossible to predict what someone wants to change. The whole packing logic is in src/VBox/Installer/win/Makefile.kmk, which produces some input files (wxl/wxi, mostly for localization which isn't easy to hardcode) for the standard command line tools (WiX) which produce msi files. After that there's quite some msi magic and an exe wrapper to produce combined 32/64 bit packages and the like.

Generally, the starting point for the msi packaging is
    VirtualBox.wxs and the various .wxi files. Find some similar file
    and see how it's handled by these files...


thank you
>On Monday, November 11, 2013 1:14 PM, Klaus Espenlaub <klaus.espenlaub at oracle.com> wrote:
>On 10.11.2013 23:21, Lucian Apetre wrote:
>>I build vbox sources on a x86 machine, under win 7. On my machine, the binaries build from sources from: VirtualBox-4.3.0\out\win.x86\release\bin\VirtualBox.exe work fine, opens a virtual box. 
>>But when I'm moving the bin folder to another pc(a clean win 8 x86 machine) i get this error:
>>"Failed to create VirtualBox COM object, the application will now terminate"
>>Details: "Callee RC: REGDB_E_CLASSNORTEG(0x80040154)"
>>And the VirtualBox.exe does not open.
>>I tried:
>>1. moved all qt related dlls and curl related dlls to the new clean PC(win 8 x86)(dlls requested when tried to open virualbox.exe)
>>2. registered dlls with: comregister.cmd and loadall.cmd
Are you running comregister.cmd as Admin? If you don't then it can't make the necessary changes to the registry. In general I don't think anyone routinely uses your approach to build vbox on one PC to move it to another. It doesn't need much more time to create an installation package using "kmk packing", and use that to install vbox...
>still does not work
>>Does anybody have an idea?
>>Thank you   
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