[vbox-dev] VRDEAudtioSamples

Sriram Murthy sriramsm at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 20 22:01:29 GMT 2013

     I am trying to write a simple extension pack for a college project, that reads the AudioSamples being provided by VRDEAudioSamples to be played back by an ALSA player.
     As a first step, I want to save the samples to a .wav file, so that aplay can read it and play it. Towards this, I have the following questions, and will be glad if someone could 

     please answer these questions -
     1) How to convert the various values encoded in VRDEAUDIOFORMAT to nSamplesPerSec, nAvgBytesPerSec, nBlockAlign and other information required for a wav header?
     2) How do I interpret the data in the buffer that is being provided as part of VRDEAudioSamples?
     3) Also, how do I calculate the total number of bytes that are being passed as part of VRDEAudioSamples?

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