[vbox-dev] PATCH: Setting registers in VirtualBox debugger [MIT license]

Ivan Shcherbakov ivan at shcherbakov.info
Sun Aug 12 20:32:01 GMT 2012

Hi All,

I  am  working on a GDB stub that will create a bridge between GDB and
the  VirtualBox debugger interface. When I was doing basic tests, I've
noticed  that  VirtualBox  does not support setting registers from the
debugger interface:

VMMR3DECL(int) DBGFR3RegNmSet(PVM pVM, VMCPUID idDefCpu, const char *pszReg, PCDBGFREGVAL pValue, DBGFREGVALTYPE enmType)

I have implemented the function based on the dbgfR3RegCpuQueryWorker()
function and tested it via a debugger plugin.

I  have  attached  a  patch  available  under  the MIT license. Please
let  me  know  if  I  need  to change anything before the patch can be
included in the main repository.

The patch also fixes a bug in dbgcHlpVarToNumber() (*pu64Number is not

Best Regards,
 Ivan Shcherbakov                          mailto:ivan at shcherbakov.info
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