[vbox-dev] A future direction... VBox 4.1 and GNS3 users

Frank Mehnert frank.mehnert at oracle.com
Thu May 5 09:21:21 GMT 2011

On Wednesday 04 May 2011 23:55:25 Alexey Eromenko wrote:
> What we need:
> 1. stable VMM  -- currently I found one blocker bug in it. seem my other
> email.

We cannot guarantee that although we usually try to not introduce

> 2. mostly working python API, VBoxManage and GUI

We cannot guarantee that but errors will show up very quickly and
will be usually quickly fixed.

> 3. Windows binary build (multi-arch), Linux 64bit + Linux 32bit
> multi-distro packages. 3 Builds total. UDP patched.
> 4. If UDP patch is of good quality, we'd like it to be included into
> v4.1 release as a standard feature. (enabled in Oracle's default
> binary builds for all platforms). I will make best effort to test and
> stabilize it.
> [..]
> The question is: Can you provide us with binary Windows build with UDP
> patches that we send, while the patch is still in BETA ? (without
> committing it to SVN tree)
> Unfortunately we cannot build VBox on Windows hosts. So we need help.

Providing Windows test builds from time to time (e.g. once per week)
is not issue. However, we can NOT provide you "special" builds, that
is, builds containing uncommitted code. And even if you provide us a
weekly diff for committing we could still not guarantee that we would
be able to commit the patch within a defined time frame.

Perhaps it would be possible for you to build a shared library for
Windows which then could be loaded during runtime?

Kind regards,

ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG   Dr.-Ing. Frank Mehnert
Werkstrasse 24                     Staff Engineer, VirtualBox
71384 Weinstadt, Germany           mailto:frank.mehnert at oracle.com

Hauptverwaltung: Riesstr. 25, D-80992 München
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München, HRA 95603

Komplementärin: ORACLE Deutschland Verwaltung B.V.
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Handelsregister der Handelskammer Midden-Niederlande, Nr. 30143697
Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Kunz, Marcel van de Molen, Alexander van der Ven
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