[vbox-dev] Error creating Session instance! rc = 0x80040154

Achim Hasenmüller achim.hasenmueller at oracle.com
Sat Nov 6 08:02:06 GMT 2010

First you should check what the error code means and in your case it's "class not registered". Are you running your COM application under a different user account than VirtualBox? Is the VirtualBox.h file from the SDK matching the version of VirtualBox that is installed? We change the class GUIs when we modify its methods.

I assume you've tried tstVBoxAPIWin.cpp and given that you were able to create an IVirtualBox instance, it's most likely related to a wrong GUID. The COM API is certainly not broken because it's used internally by e.g. VBoxManage.


On Nov 6, 2010, at 08:01 , Prometheus wrote:

> This happens every time I try to use the MSCOM bindings to use VirtualBox. I'm trying to do something simple (send VM poweroff, sleep, wake, etc), but no matter what I do, I keep getting this error. I tried using the tlb file with C# first, but that resulted in a crash at runtime. Tried using C++/CLI, then that failed as well. Finally, I tried doing it via unmanaged C++ with a C++/CLI wrapper (the main app is in C#). All of these spouted the same error.
> I finally resorted to building the example and enabling the test poweron (changing the VM name to a valid one, of course) and it gave the same error! Is the COM API broken?
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