[vbox-dev] Fix: Mac OS X build instructions

Michael Steil mist at c64.org
Mon Oct 26 08:39:23 GMT 2009


* Short version *

On http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Mac%20OS%20X%20build 
%20instructions , replace
sudo port install libidl
sudo port install libidl +universal
...or add that SnowLeopard users on 64 bit capable (Core 2 or later)  
CPUs should add "+universal" to that line.

* Long version *

On a 64 bit capable Mac with 10.6 SnowLeopard, MacPorts now defaults  
to building 64 bit libraries, so VirtualBox will fail to link against  
the 64 bit libidl.

The following would force MacPorts to build 32 bit versions:

[ -d ~/.macports ] || mkdir ~/.macports && echo build_arch i386 >>  

Unfortunately, there is a known bug in their p5-locale-gettext package  
at the moment, which is a dependency of libidl: It does not compile if  
the build architecture is non-default: http://trac.macports.org/ticket/19381

The work-around for this is to build everything fat/universal 32 and  
64 bit:

sudo port install libidl +universal

So for now, please change the instructions to have people add  
"+universal" on SnowLeopard, and as soon as the MacPorts bug is fixed,  
add the line about changing macports.conf.


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