[vbox-dev] Virtualbox 2.1.4 OSE Update of 2009-02-26

Heinz Wiesinger HMWiesinger at bnet.at
Mon Mar 2 20:19:39 GMT 2009


Can anyone tell me the reason for updating the tarball for 2.1.4-OSE last 
I haven't found any information on this on neither mailing list nor website 
nor forum.

This update is a more or less big issue as the new tarball does no longer 
compile! I bails out with:

Config.kmk:1564: /usr/src/ljt_tmp/VirtualBox-2.1.4_OSE/out/linux.x86/release/GCCConfig.kmk: 
No such file or directory
Config.kmk:2511: *** extraneous `endif'.  Stop.

From reports I can tell, that the only way to probably get it to compile is by 
disable hardening.

Please fix this as soon as possible. Further some wishes for the future: If 
such a thing is ever necessary again, be sure to announce it somewhere, at 
least on vbox-dev. Additionally, renaming the tarball would help a lot 
(2.1.4-2 instead of just replacing 2.1.4).

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