[vbox-dev] Build instructions related to VirtualBox-3.0.2-OSE sources

Suren R Gundumalla sureng.reddy at gmail.com
Wed Jul 29 22:40:10 GMT 2009


I could successfully build VirtualBox-3.0.2-OSE sources on Window XP 32 bit.
I faced some challenges due to some missed instructions on the build page. I
documented below for reference. Please let me know if any item is not clear.

Also i request VirtualBox build master to update with latest instructions on
build instructions page:)

0. Follow most of the instructions in build instructions  page at at
virtualbox.org to get relevant software.

1. QT sources info is not correct in build instructions page. Download QT4
binaries or sources from
http://get.qtsoftware.com/qt/source/qt-win-opensource-src-4.5.1.zip. If
sources are downloaded, QT4 is easy to build(just follow instructions in
that folder related to build). I noticed QT4 takes a while to build (at
least one hour).

2.After installing Openssl, make sure to also install vc++2008
Redistributables from the same site.

3. After running "cscript configure.vbs" (with correct command line
parameters) successfully, Add VBOX_BLD_PYTHON = C:/Python26/python.exe
inside autoconfig.kmk file.On my machine python was installed to
C:\Python26. I have to do this every time i ran env.bat and before running
"kmk". References to python were missing in build instructions page.

4. When ran "kmk" i saw linkage error related to

VBoxNetFlt-win.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
__alloca_probe_16 referenced in function _vboxNetFltWinPtInitBind at 12

To solve above,

Replace alloca() in file
..\src\VBox\HostDrivers\VBoxNetFlt\win\VBoxNetFlt-win.c with ExAllocatePool

    //char* pAnsiName = alloca(cbAnsiName);
    char* pAnsiName = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, cbAnsiName);

5. Before running Comregister.cmd, do below:

 a. Copy Libcurl.dll from ..\tools\win.x86\bin to ..\out\win.x86\release\bin

 b.Download Zlib1.dll V  from
http://sourceforge.net/projects/gnuwin32/files/ and copy it to
   NOTE: even though Virtual box sources has Zlib1.dll i have to get the
above different version file.

 c. on my machine QT4 is not on path so copied
qtgui4.dll,qtcore4.dll,qtnetwork4.dll to  folder ..\out\win.x86\release\bin

6. Run SUPUninstall and SUPInstall. Finally run Virtualbox.exe

More issues to come once i play with built product :)

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