[vbox-dev] Auto start VM as Windows service

Dimitar Pashev mitko at banksoft-bg.com
Wed Nov 26 15:05:14 GMT 2008

I wrote simple service appication that start all machines /via
VBoxHeadless.exe/ which have !EnableAutoStart string in description

ProjectFiles attached below.

VMStart() and VMStop()

// Purpose:
//   Start all machines which have !EnableAutoStart sting in description
// Parameters:
//   None
// Return value:
//   0: Error, 1:Success
int VMStart()
    wchar_t szExePath[_MAX_PATH];//VBoxHeadless path
    CComBSTR    bstrHomePath;
    HRESULT hr;
    unsigned long i,max_i;

    CComPtr<IVirtualBox> vbox;
    CComPtr<IMachineCollection> machines;

    //Get Virtualbox install dir
    CRegKey key;
    if( ERROR_SUCCESS !=
) return 0; // on error exit
    ULONG ulen = MAX_PATH-1;
    if( ERROR_SUCCESS !=
key.QueryStringValue(L"InstallDir",szExePath,&ulen) ) return 0;


    hr = vbox.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_VirtualBox);
    if(S_OK != hr) return 0;
    hr = vbox->get_Machines(&machines);
    if(S_OK == hr) hr = machines->get_Count(&max_i);
    if(S_OK != hr) return 0;

    for( i=0;i<max_i;i++) {
        CComPtr<IMachine> machine;
        hr = machines->GetItemAt(i,&machine);
        if(S_OK != hr) continue;
        CComBSTR temp;
        hr = machine->get_Description(&temp);
        if( hr != S_OK ||NULL == temp || NULL ==
wcsstr(temp,L"!EnableAutoStart") ) continue;

        CComBSTR name;

        //construct command line
        hr = machine->get_Name(&name);
        temp = TEXT(" -v config -s ");
        temp += name;

        //create process
        STARTUPINFO si;
        si.cb = sizeof(si);
        int ret = CreateProcess(szExePath,temp,0,0,0,
        ret = GetLastError();

    return 1;
// Purpose:
//   Stop all running VM's which have !EnableAutoStart sting in description
// Parameters:
//   None
// Return value:
//   0: Error, 1:Success
int VMStop()
    CComPtr<IVirtualBox> vbox;
    CComPtr<IMachineCollection> machines;
    HRESULT hr;
    unsigned long i,max_i;

    hr = vbox.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_VirtualBox);
    if(S_OK != hr) return 0;
    hr = vbox->get_Machines(&machines);
    if(S_OK == hr) hr = machines->get_Count(&max_i);
    if(S_OK != hr) return 0;
    for( i=0;i<max_i;i++) {
        CComPtr<IMachine>    machine;
        MachineState        vmstate;

        hr = machines->GetItemAt(i,&machine);
        if(S_OK != hr) continue;

        //check for autostart flag
        CComBSTR temp;
        hr = machine->get_Description(&temp);
        if( hr != S_OK ||NULL == temp || NULL ==
wcsstr(temp,L"!EnableAutoStart") ) continue;

        //check for running state
        if( MachineState_Running == vmstate || MachineState_Starting ==
vmstate ) {
            GUID vmID;
            CComPtr<ISession>   sess;
            CComPtr<IConsole>   console;
            hr    = machine->get_Id(&vmID);
            hr  = sess.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Session);
            if(S_OK == hr ) hr = vbox->OpenExistingSession(sess,vmID);
            if(S_OK == hr ) hr = sess->get_Console(&console);
            if(S_OK == hr ) hr = console->PowerButton();
            if(S_OK == hr ) hr = sess->Close();
    return 1;
install service: VBoxAutoStartSvc -install <user> <password>
remove  service: VBoxAutoStartSvc -remove

I hope this will be useful.

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