[vbox-dev] installation script seems not to work here (fedora core 6)

Valentine Sinitsyn Valentine.Sinitsyn at usu.ru
Tue Jan 23 09:36:52 GMT 2007


LD> I downloaded the binary version for generic linux,
LD> that is VirtualBox_1.3.2_Linux_x86.run

LD> I've got Fedora core 6 and I keep packages updated often.

LD> The script says:
LD>   Verifying archive integrity... All good.
LD>   Uncompressing VirtualBox for Linux installation.....
LD>   VirtualBox Version 1.3.2 (Sun Jan 14 15:25:08 CET 2007) installation
LD>   Please install the header files for your current Linux kernel.
LD>   Problems were found which would prevent VirtualBox from installing.
LD>   Please correct these problems and try again.

LD> But yum tells me that the package kernel-devel is installed
LD> and it seems to me the right package for kernel header files.

LD> What would you suggest?
As far as I remember, Fedora's kernel-devel does not contain kernel
headers - they are supposed to be installed separately. Try to search
for kernel-headers, kernel-inlcudes or kernel-* in yum - alas, I don't
remember the exact name of the package you need (haven't used Fedora
for a long time).

P.S. Just to make things clear: I'm not a VirtualBox developer.


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