
Opened 14 months ago

Last modified 13 months ago

#21597 new defect

[VirtualBox 7.0.8] Windows 7 guest with 3D acceleration enabled crashes when changing resolution / gets stuck in the bootloop if the resolution was changed

Reported by: przemo20 Owned by:
Component: 3D support Version: VirtualBox-7.0.8
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: Windows Host type: Windows


As the title says. This doesn't happen if you disable 3D acceleration, and wasn't happening earlier on VirtualBox 7.0.6.


Example steps to reproduce #⁠1:

  1. Install VBox 7.0.8 and VirtualBox 7.0.8 Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack.
  2. Install Windows 7 (let's say with 3D acceleration ON).
  3. When Windows 7 finishes installing, install Guest Additions, and agree to restart Windows to finish its installation.
  4. When Windows boots up again, try changing the resolution to 800x600 (either using Windows built-in screen resolution settings or with VirtualBox: View → Virtual Screen 1 → Resize to 800x600).
  5. You should observe that VB indeed changes (or tries to change) the resolution (VB window gets resized), but the screen goes black and a few seconds later you can see Windows restarting, and loading back up with the old resolution.

This seems to also keeps happening on Windows 10 guest.

Example steps to reproduce #⁠2:

  1. Load up a Windows 7 VM with Guest Additions already installed (disable 3D acceleration).
  2. Use VirtualBox menu to resize the screen to 1440x900.
  3. Turn off Windows, enable 3D acceleration in the VM settings, then boot the VM.
  4. Windows should be now stuck in the bootloop (it crashes after “Starting Windows” screen).

Attachments (1) (493.3 KB ) - added by przemo20 14 months ago.

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Change History (2)

by przemo20, 14 months ago

Attachment: added


comment:1 by boxer01, 13 months ago

Did you try version 7.0.9-157502? Here is my own ticket for the graphic issues in 7.0.x version: #21515.

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