
Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#9615 closed defect (fixed)

All VDIs lost (not physically): create and delete snapshot after creating VM, restart VirtualBox

Reported by: VirtualBoxBug Owned by:
Component: VMM Version: VirtualBox 4.1.2
Keywords: VDI, lost, snapshot, Virtual Media Manager Cc:
Guest type: Windows Host type: Windows


I create a VM. OS disk is Multi-attach. (Immutable freezes when resuming.) Data disk is Writethrough. I take a snapshot using the UI of the VM while it's powered off in order to create a differencing disk. I delete the snapshot to get rid of the differencing disk but it still leaves a differencing disk, because it's Multi-attach . This is what I wanted. I don't know how to get it otherwise. I restart VirtualBox.

I see this on the VM:

A differencing image of snapshot {e533c43c-588b-4447-a42e-184097602f56} could not be found. Could not find an open hard disk with UUID {b7de1b6d-ddd7-4367-86a5-2d1391a1c910}. Result Code: E_FAIL (0x80004005) Component: SnapshotMachine Interface: IMachine {5eaa9319-62fc-4b0a-843c-0cb1940f8a91}

I took the snapshots using VBoxManage with the same results.

All disks have disappeared from Virtual Media Manager.

Please test creating, configuring, starting, stopping, deleting multiple VMs only with VboxManage you'll run into BSODs. They weren't there before 4.x.

Don't take this wrong, I'm just wondering - justifiably, I think: This is 4.x? Really? NO version 4 has this many simple and critical bugs. Do you test these things at all? Does anyone use this actually? I'm feeling like I'm alpha testing some 0.1 version. I hope you can fix all these bugs I've reported immediately, because they are true show-stoppers - I can't use your product while they're there.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Frank Mehnert, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Most probably fixed with VBox 4.1.4. Please reopen if still reproducible.

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