
Opened 17 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#843 closed defect (fixed)

Using Remote Desktop crashes VM

Reported by: LesDes Owned by:
Component: other Version: VirtualBox 1.5.2
Keywords: Remote Desktop abort Cc:
Guest type: other Host type: other


I have a server (IP running W2003 Server SE.

It is running two VMs (W2K Pro) set up with Host Interface networking. They are both visible on the network - one with IP ...31 and the other ...32.

Remote Desktop is not enabled on the real server.

If I try Remote Desktop Connection from my PC (W2K Pro) to either or it fails to connect. If I try (the actual server) I get an odd view of one or other of the two VMs!! and either immediately or after about a second or two I get a message that the connection has been broken.

When I look at the server I find that the VM in question is no longer there - it has aborted!

I have tried this several times and sometimes it was one and sometimes the other of the two VMs that had been aborted.

I then enabled Remote Desktop on the server and now RD to works as expected - it connects to the server and requests a logon.

Connections to the VM's IP addresses fail. I have enabled the Remote Display on ports 3331 and 3332 respectively for the two VMs and connections still fail (using

I don't know if this is a problem or lack of knowledge on my part.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Sander van Leeuwen, 17 years ago

Cc: vb@… removed

comment:2 by Sander van Leeuwen, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Works as designed. If you enable the RDP feature in VBox, connecting to the host (with the right port) will show you the VM. It shouldn't crash obviously.

Please try again with 1.5.6 and reopen if necessary.

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