
Opened 15 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#4253 closed enhancement (fixed)

"Automatic" setting for bridge device

Reported by: Matthew Owned by:
Component: network Version: VirtualBox 2.2.4
Keywords: bridged networking Cc:
Guest type: other Host type: other


The "Bridged Adapter" network setting requires that a specific network adapter be selected for a VM, and that adapter can't be changed without powering down the guest. For mobile users that frequently switch between wired and wireless network connections, this can be a problem.

It would be ideal if VirtualBox offered an Automatic setting which connected the guest's bridged network adapter to the host's physical interface using a set of rules such as the following:

  1. If the guest's IP address (based on packet SRC?) matched a directly-connected subnet on the host, use the interface that connects to that subnet.
  2. If the guest sends a DHCP request, route the request through the physical interface designated as the default route.
  3. If the guest's IP address cannot be determined, or does not match any directly-connected subnets on the host, use the physical interface designated as the default route.

An Automatic setting of this variety would only work for TCP/IP-based networking, but that's perfectly fine for the majority of applications. In cases where Automatic could not be used, a specific physical interface could still be selected.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Technologov, 15 years ago

With VBox 3.1 it has been improved very much, and users can switch networks on the fly now.

Please look at it, and come back for comments.


comment:2 by Technologov, 14 years ago

No response. Please close as FIXED.


comment:3 by Frank Mehnert, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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