
Opened 15 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#3544 closed defect (fixed)

VBox 2.1.4 on Mac OS X 10.5.6 crashes

Reported by: badger Owned by:
Component: virtual disk Version: VirtualBox 2.2.4
Keywords: macosx crash assertion ata Cc:
Guest type: Linux Host type: Mac OS X


VBox 2.1.4 on Mac OS X 10.5.6 crashes with an assertion:

03:10:23.382 PIIX3 ATA: LUN#2: performing device RESET
03:10:23.383 !!Assertion Failed!!
03:10:23.383 Expression: ReqType == ATA_AIO_RESET_ASSERTED || ReqType == ATA_AIO_RESET_CLEARED || ReqType == ATA_AIO_ABO
RT || pCtl->uAsyncIOState == ReqType
03:10:23.383 Location  : /Volumes/ServerHD2/Users2/vbox/tinderbox/2.1-mac-rel/src/VBox/Devices/Storage/DevATA.cpp(4375) 
int ataAsyncIOLoop(RTTHREADINT*, void*)
03:10:23.383 I/O state inconsistent: state=0 request=2

The guest is Ubuntu Linux 8.04.

Attachments (8)

VBox.log.3 (37.6 KB ) - added by badger 15 years ago.
virtualbox log
VBox.log (39.0 KB ) - added by badger 15 years ago.
vbox_3.0.2.log (42.1 KB ) - added by badger 15 years ago.
VirtualBox 3.0.2 crash log
VBox-3_0_8_MacOSX_SnowLeopard-2009-10-12-13-26-15.log (40.8 KB ) - added by badger 15 years ago.
Working_Windows XP unattended-2009-11-16-23-28-46.log (44.1 KB ) - added by Technologov 15 years ago.
Working Windows XP on Mac OS X 10.5.6 (log provided for comparison by Technologov)
W7HS-2010-02-18-12-47-36.log (46.5 KB ) - added by Hafthor Stefansson 14 years ago.
vbox.log abort host:mac10.6.2 guest:win7x86 died while at lunch
VBox.2.log (50.5 KB ) - added by Hafthor Stefansson 14 years ago.
VirtualBox 3.1.4 r57640 darwin.x86 - guest Win7x86 - I/O state inconsistent
VBox.3.log (43.8 KB ) - added by badger 14 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (19)

by badger, 15 years ago

Attachment: VBox.log.3 added

virtualbox log

comment:1 by badger, 15 years ago

Still crashing with VBox 2.2.4:

00:31:44.582 PCNet#0: Init: ss32=1 GCRDRA=0x0b7b9000[32] GCTDRA=0x0b7ba000[16]
00:31:46.675 NAT: DHCP offered IP address
00:31:46.677 NAT: DHCP offered IP address
01:31:32.243 PIIX3 ATA: LUN#2: performing device RESET
01:31:32.257 !!Assertion Failed!!
01:31:32.257 Expression: ReqType == ATA_AIO_RESET_ASSERTED || ReqType == ATA_AIO_RESET_CLEARED || ReqType == ATA_AIO_ABO
RT || pCtl->uAsyncIOState == ReqType
01:31:32.257 Location  : /Users/vbox/tinderbox/2.2-mac-rel/src/VBox/Devices/Storage/DevATA.cpp(4564) int ataAsyncIOLoop(
01:31:32.257 I/O state inconsistent: state=0 request=2

comment:2 by Klaus Espenlaub, 15 years ago

Component: othervirtual disk
Version: VirtualBox 2.1.4VirtualBox 2.2.4

From the log (for 2.1.4 only) it seems to happen out of the blue. Do you have any further information? Is there any special guest activity going on? Haven't seen that particular problem happening lately, and in fact looking at the code the assertion shouldn't trigger. So it's head scratching time.

comment:3 by badger, 15 years ago

It still happens after a few hours of VM uptime. The interesting thing I've observed is that it seems to only happen if there are at least two VirtualBox VMs running at the same time. The log message is the same still:

00:03:01.542 NAT: old socket rcv size: 79KB
00:03:01.542 NAT: old socket snd size: 79KB
01:37:48.308 PIIX3 ATA: LUN#2: performing device RESET
01:37:48.337 !!Assertion Failed!!
01:37:48.337 Expression: ReqType == ATA_AIO_RESET_ASSERTED || ReqType == ATA_AIO_RESET_CLEARED || ReqType == ATA_AIO_ABORT || pCtl->uAsyncIOState == ReqType
01:37:48.337 Location  : /Users/vbox/tinderbox/mac-rel/src/VBox/Devices/Storage/DevATA.cpp(4564) int ataAsyncIOLoop(RTTHREADINT*, void*)
01:37:48.337 PIIX3 IDE: guest issued command 0xa0 while controller busy
01:37:48.337 I/O state inconsistent: state=0 request=2

BTW, I've upgraded to VirtualBox 3.0 and it did not help.

in reply to:  2 comment:4 by badger, 15 years ago

Replying to klaus:

From the log (for 2.1.4 only) it seems to happen out of the blue. Do you have any further information? Is there any special guest activity going on? Haven't seen that particular problem happening lately, and in fact looking at the code the assertion shouldn't trigger. So it's head scratching time.

See my previous comment. It is now VirtualBox 3.0 running.

comment:5 by Frank Mehnert, 15 years ago

badger, please attach (use the attach button) the full VBox.log file of such a VM started with VirtualBox 3.0.0.

in reply to:  5 comment:6 by badger, 15 years ago

Replying to frank:

badger, please attach (use the attach button) the full VBox.log file of such a VM started with VirtualBox 3.0.0.


by badger, 15 years ago

Attachment: VBox.log added

comment:7 by badger, 15 years ago

Still happening with VBox 3.0.2, attaching log.

by badger, 15 years ago

Attachment: vbox_3.0.2.log added

VirtualBox 3.0.2 crash log

comment:8 by badger, 15 years ago

Still now fixed, tested with Snow Leopard (10.6.1) and VirtualBox 3.0.8. Log attached.

comment:9 by Technologov, 15 years ago

Works here. No crashes.

Mac-mini, Mac OS X 10.5.6, Core 2-2.0. VBox 3.0.8

Guest: Windows XP


by Technologov, 15 years ago

Working Windows XP on Mac OS X 10.5.6 (log provided for comparison by Technologov)

by Hafthor Stefansson, 14 years ago

vbox.log abort host:mac10.6.2 guest:win7x86 died while at lunch

by Hafthor Stefansson, 14 years ago

Attachment: VBox.2.log added

VirtualBox 3.1.4 r57640 darwin.x86 - guest Win7x86 - I/O state inconsistent

comment:10 by badger, 14 years ago

Still happening, now on Ubuntu 10.04. Guest is Ubuntu 8.04.

00:40:55.481 PIIX3 ATA: LUN#2: performing device RESET 00:40:55.482 00:40:55.482 !!Assertion Failed!!

00:40:55.482 Expression: ReqType == ATA_AIO_RESET_ASSERTED
ReqType == ATA_AIO_RESET_CLEARED ReqType == ATA_AIO_ABORT pCtl->uAsyncIOState == ReqType

00:40:55.482 Location : /build/buildd/virtualbox-ose-3.1.6-dfsg/src/VBox/Devices/Storage/DevATA.cpp(4574) int ataAsyncIOLoop(RTTHREADINT*, void*) 00:40:55.482 I/O state inconsistent: state=0 request=2

by badger, 14 years ago

Attachment: VBox.3.log added


comment:11 by aeichner, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

This was fixed with 3.1.8.

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