
Opened 2 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#20794 new defect

Mouse (in both guest and host) behaves strangely when captured.

Reported by: Ben321 Owned by:
Component: other Version: VirtualBox 6.1.32
Keywords: mouse cursor Cc:
Guest type: Windows Host type: Windows


This bug is new to version 6.x (not sure the exact version it started in, as I just upgraded to 6.1.32 from a 5.x version a few days ago). Also, this bug only happens when using mouse capture (not when using mouse integration). I don't think it's dependent on the guest OS, as it has an impact on the host mouse cursor as well as the guest, but it may be dependent on the host OS (not sure if Linux version of VBox has this bug, as my PC only has Windows on it). It also doesn't matter if it's using capture instead of integration due to Guest Additions not being installed, or due to the mouse integration part of Guest Additions being manually disabled.

The bug causes the the host mouse cursor to be locked into a rectangular region of the screen, which is located in the upper-left hand corner of the host computer screen. It doesn't matter where the guest window is. The locked in rectangle is always in the upper-left corner of the host screen. If you use the mouse to try scroll the cursor out it wraps around.

On the guest side, the moment you move the mouse after capturing the mouse, the guest mouse cursor completely disappears. This aspect of the bug may be dependent on the guest OS, but I haven't tried it in any guest OS other than Windows, so I can't verify this.

As I don't have technical knowledge of the internals of VirtualBox, I don't know what component is responsible for this bug, so I have left that set to "other" on this bug report form.

I've attached a video I recorded of my screen using my cellphone camera showing this issue. It shows how it only has an impact when mouse capture is being used, by running an OS with Guest Additions with mouse integration, and then I disable the integration and let the mouse get captured, where the bug then becomes immediately obvious.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by Ben321, 2 years ago

Well my plan to attach the video isn't going to work, as I just discovered that I can't upload a file larger than 512KB, but my video is over 20MB. And I can't edit my post, so I'm leaving this comment instead, to explain why the video that my post claims is attached, is in fact not attached.

comment:2 by Ben321, 2 years ago

I decided to upload the video to YouTube, so the VBox devs here can see what the bug does. Hopefully that will help them fix the bug. Here's the link to the video.

comment:3 by mattnicholas, 2 years ago

did you manage to solve this? My mouse stops clicking when capture is enabled. I have tested my mouse with the click test in the host OS and works absolutely well. It also works fine when capture is disabled. Is there any solution?

comment:4 by AltonBarrett, 2 years ago

I found this mouse capture issue when I was taking an online click test. This was very unusual to me. Thanks to this forum. I got the solution to this serious problem. Now I can try making a click record.

comment:5 by AltonBarrett, 2 years ago

My mouse was malfunctioning during the last few days. For a long time, I thought it was a glitch of the game. But, then somebody asked me to have a mouse drift test. It helped me figure out the main issue with my mouse.

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