
Opened 5 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#18550 new defect

SIP has to be disable

Reported by: itIsMe Owned by:
Component: other Version: VirtualBox 6.0.4
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: Windows Host type: Mac OS X


hi, Im using VirtualBox for some time now on a MacMini. Last week after an upgrade of OSX 10.13.16. I think since automatic update is activated. I got kernel errors as soon as I opened my windows guests. Installation of new VirtualBox 6 wasn't possible, neither old versions I disabled SIP, and All issues were solved. After installation of VirtualBox 6. the Windows guest worked again Enabled SIP again and the kernel errors appeared again Can there be a setting change in my host that Im unaware of? I found other cases where users turned off SIP some time ago. So I think SIP is the strong medicine for another small issue. Have you seen this before? I might have surged with the wrong key words. I dont know which rights need to be set for the kernel. I didnt change any settings actively so this must have happend during the update.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Socratis, 5 years ago

You're doing something wrong, there is absolutely NO requirement for the SIP to be disabled!!! No one has ever complained about something similar, or even close, to that!

It's usually better and faster, if issues get first addressed in the VirtualBox forums, a lot more eyes there. More than 95% of the issues are resolved in the forums, which keeps the developers focusing on the bug fixes and enhancements, and there is no need for another ticket to keep track of. For example, yours is not a bug and someone from the developers has to deal with it and close it as "Invalid".

Plus a discussion and analysis on the bug tracker is going to help you, me, and potentially a future drive-by user or two. Not so in the forums, many more tend to benefit...

So, if you can, please open a new thread in the VirtualBox on Mac OS X Hosts section of the forums. Please be sure to mention that you came from the bug tracker and include the ticket number.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.

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