
Opened 7 years ago

#17322 new defect

VirtualBox 5.2.x guest additions hang Poser 6 & 7 on startup under XP guest

Reported by: dinosaur0 Owned by:
Component: 3D support Version: VirtualBox 5.2.0
Keywords: guest additions, windows xp, poser Cc:
Guest type: Windows Host type: Linux


I already reported this issue under Ticket #17152 (for 5.2RC), but 5.2.0 was released shortly after and it looks like that ticket got overlooked/ignored entirely, so I'm opening a new ticket for VirtualBox v5.2, since the bug is still there...

With VirtualBox v5.2.2 and its extension pack installed, and after booting my Windows XP guest VM (with corresponding v5.2.2 guest additions installed), when I start Poser 6 or 7 (the only two versions I got) on a Windows XP (32 bits) guest running on a 64 bits Linux host, the program hangs shortly after starting, on the startup screen, and Windows reports the program as "non responding" in its title bar. After a few more seconds waiting, the window of the program turns white and it stays stuck forever like that.

If I reinstall the v5.1.30 guest additions (still keeping VirtualBox v5.2.0 and its extension pack) Poser then works fine again.

Probably an issue in DirectX support ?

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