
Opened 16 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#1651 closed defect (worksforme)

Sound problem. Host Vista. Guest SuSE 10.3

Reported by: gike Owned by:
Component: audio Version: VirtualBox 1.6.0
Keywords: audio sound HostAudioNotResponding Cc:
Guest type: other Host type: Windows



The host is Windows Vista Home Edition Premium (32 bits). The audio device is 'Realtek High Definition Audio'. Controller version is with a date of 2/5/2007.

When I start the virtual machine, and BEFORE SuSE 10.3 starts booting, a pop up windows appears with next error message (please, note as my Vista is in Spanish, the first part of the message is a translation into English):

--- ERROR MESSAGE --------------------------------------------------------

(Start translation) Virtual Machine execution can be into an error condition, as described below. You can ignore this message, but it is suggested to follow appropiate actions for assuring that the error do not appears again any longer (End translation)

Some audio devices (PCM_in, PCM_mic) could not be opened. Guest applications generating audio output or depending on audio input may hang. Make sure your host audio device is working properly. Check the logfile for error messages of the audio subsystem..

ID Error: HostAudioNotResponding Severity: Warning

Audio on Windows Vista works fine, even with the virtual machine running. Audio on the Linux virtual machine is not working at all.


Change History (4)

comment:1 by Frank Mehnert, 16 years ago

Component: otheraudio
Host type: otherWindows
Summary: Soun problem. Host Vista. Guest SuSE 10.3Sound problem. Host Vista. Guest SuSE 10.3

comment:2 by William T. Ross, 16 years ago

Vista Ultimate x64. Guest OS: Win2k. Host sound works perfectly. Guest sound works perfectly. However, sound is suspended when guest focus returns to the background. Once focus is on foreground sounds resumes.

Sounds SigmaTel High Def Driver:

comment:3 by Technologov, 15 years ago

Please close this bug.

Sound works perfectly on two different hosts.

Host: Windows 7, 64-bit, Core 2 Q6600, VBox 3.1.0-BETA1. (VT-x = on)

Host2: Windows Vista Home Premium, 32-bit, Core 2 P8600, VBox 3.0.10. (VT-x = on)

Guest: openSUSE 10.3, 32-bit, SMP (2-way). AC97 sound.


comment:4 by Sander van Leeuwen, 15 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed
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