
Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#16070 new defect

Running Virtualbox over a VNC connection

Reported by: otobyt Owned by:
Component: guest additions/x11/graphics Version: VirtualBox 5.1.6
Keywords: VNC, display Cc:
Guest type: Windows Host type: Linux


Attempting to run a VirtualBox guest over a VNC connection to a Linux host (xfce4 desktop for remote VNC session; Mint 18 / cinnamon desktop for native login). After completing the Windows 7 guest splash screen, the guest session aborts. When logged directly into the host system (no VNC), the guest boots up without issue. The guest can be started remotely in headless mode, and accessed through the emulated RDP interface. So I believe this has something to do with the guest video/display settings interfacing correctly with VNC or the underlying X-session? Virtualbox .log file is attached to this ticket. Core dump file is available through the dropbox link below:

Attachments (1)

W7TestMachine-2016-10-13-23-33-47.log (67.3 KB ) - added by otobyt 8 years ago.
VirtualBox .log file

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (2)

by otobyt, 8 years ago

VirtualBox .log file

in reply to:  description comment:1 by otobyt, 8 years ago

Replying to otobyt:

Attempting to run a VirtualBox guest over a VNC connection to a Linux host (xfce4 desktop for remote VNC session; Mint 18 / cinnamon desktop for native login). After completing the Windows 7 guest splash screen, the guest session aborts. When logged directly into the host system (no VNC), the guest boots up without issue. The guest can be started remotely in headless mode, and accessed through the emulated RDP interface. So I believe this has something to do with the guest video/display settings interfacing correctly with VNC or the underlying X-session? Virtualbox .log file is attached to this ticket. Core dump file is available through the dropbox link below:

It appears this issue was introduced in v5.1.0 and later. Tested downgrading to v5.0.28, and the issue is not present.

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