
Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#13583 closed defect (fixed)

controlvm savestate leaves vm aborted and not restartable

Reported by: neilo Owned by:
Component: other Version: VirtualBox 4.3.18
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: Linux Host type: Windows


Using a fresh install of 4.3.16 or 4.3.18 on Windows 7 Pro SP1, I find that

$ VBoxManage.exe controlvm <uuid> savestate

leaves the VM in an aborted state If I then show the vm state

$ VBoxManage.exe showvminfo <uuid>| grep State State: saved (since 2014-09-17T23:30:29.069000000)

I see state is saved, but note that VBoxManage.exe also crashes for some reason. If I immediately run it again

$ VBoxManage.exe showvminfo <uuid>| grep State State: aborted (since 2014-09-17T23:33:05.833000000)

I see the state is now "aborted". That isn't the expected behavior, is it?

Attachments (3)

VBox.log (80.3 KB ) - added by neilo 10 years ago.
VBoxStartup.log (340.1 KB ) - added by neilo 10 years ago.
VBoxStartup.log (990 bytes ) - added by neilo 10 years ago.
this bash script should faithfully reproduce the bug

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (8)

by neilo, 10 years ago

Attachment: VBox.log added


by neilo, 10 years ago

Attachment: VBoxStartup.log added


comment:1 by neilo, 10 years ago

Note, this does work:

VBoxManage.exe controlvm <uuid> savestate
VBoxManage.exe startvm <uuid>

It is only if I try to showvminfo after saving state that the vm is aborted

VBoxManage.exe controlvm <uuid> savestate
VBoxManage.exe showvminfo <uuid>

In this example showvminfo crashes as reported before and *after* that crash the vm is in the aborted state.

So it seems to me the part where vboxmanage crashes is the part to focus on.

Last edited 10 years ago by neilo (previous) (diff)

by neilo, 10 years ago

Attachment: added

this bash script should faithfully reproduce the bug

comment:2 by sunlover, 10 years ago

Could you install this test build and confirm that the problem is gone? Thank you!

comment:3 by stalkerte, 10 years ago


I tried the build you posted and can confirm that I am now able to suspend and resume. (tested via Vagrant -

comment:4 by neilo, 10 years ago

Confirmed, test build 4.3.19-96923 resolves the crash for me. now runs without crashing

and vagrant suspend, vagrant status, vagrant resume works also.

Thanks for looking into this!

comment:5 by Frank Mehnert, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fix is part of VBox 4.3.20, closing.

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