
Opened 11 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#12404 closed defect (obsolete)

Windows 8 Guest Gloabl Keyboard Hook Not Getting Correct Value for CapsLock

Reported by: donskifarrell Owned by:
Component: guest control Version: VirtualBox 4.3.2
Keywords: keyboard hook win8 Cc:
Guest type: Windows Host type: Linux


I'm running a Debian-based linux distro (Crunchbang - based on Debian Wheezy) as a virtualbox host. I have installed a fresh copy of Windows 8 Pro N x64 as guest. I am using virtualbox 4.3.2 with 4.3 Guest Additions.

This works fine. I am able to use my keyboard including CapsLock key for writing documents.

However, I am trying to create a .net 4 C# program that hooks into the global keyboard queue to watch for any CapsLock keypress. This involves connecting to the SetWindowsHookEx COM object.

This hook successfully detects all key presses but it does not correctly report the state of the CapsLock button (ie. is it toggled?). I have not verified this with other keys.

I have tested my code (can provide if necessary) on an actual Windows 8 desktop and on VMWare Player 6. Both work correctly and report the toggled state.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by aeichner, 8 years ago

Resolution: obsolete
Status: newclosed

Please reopen if still relevant with a recent VirtualBox release.

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