
Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #8331, comment 8

Aug 8, 2013 8:35:01 PM (11 years ago)
Joe E. S.


  • Ticket #8331, comment 8

    initial v1  
    99As far as developers having limited time, a ton of bugs to fix, and thus being required to set priorities, I get that. I'm okay with that.
    11 But that last part about disabling mouse integration being a "VERY unusual setup" is pure rubbish, and a total cop-out. Talk about a hand-waving argument. How would you even know what percentage of VirtualBox users know about disabling mouse pointer integration? That's nothing but pure speculation, being used to casually dismiss and marginalize those of us who actually care about having mouse capture work correctly on dual monitor setups. As if having a dual monitor setup and wanting to run some flavor of Linux as a guest OS on your second monitor is some sort of unheard of exotic configuration, when in reality that's fairly vanilla. You should have just stopped at "Sorry, there are lots of bugs and the devs have to prioritize."
     11But that last part about disabling mouse integration being a "VERY unusual setup" is pure rubbish, and a total cop-out. Talk about a hand-waving argument. How would you even know what percentage of VirtualBox users know about disabling mouse pointer integration? That's nothing but pure speculation, being used to casually dismiss and marginalize anybody who actually cares about having mouse capture work correctly on dual monitor setups. As if having a dual monitor setup and wanting to run some flavor of Linux as a guest OS on your second monitor is some sort of unheard of exotic configuration, when in reality that's fairly vanilla. You should have just stopped at "Sorry, there are lots of bugs and the devs have to prioritize."

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