
Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#497 closed defect (fixed)

Guru meditation freeze with linux 2.6.21 kernel -> fixed in SVN/1.5.2

Reported by: jamesbond Owned by:
Component: other Version: VirtualBox 1.4.0
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: other Host type: other


CPU: Core Duo
Host OS: WinXP SP2

Guest OS: Puppy Linux 2.17beta - kernel 2.6.21
Emulation freeze during boot. Vbox still responds, I can close window and restart a new emulation session.

The summary error from vbox.log is as follows:


00:00:19.689 !!
00:00:19.689 !! Guru Meditation -2403 (VERR_TRPM_DONT_PANIC)
00:00:19.689 !!
00:00:19.689 !! TRAP=0d ERRCD=00000000 CR2=c1201040 EIP=a0461aba Type=0
00:00:19.689 !! EIP in VMMGC.gc (a0445000) at rva 1caba near symbols:
00:00:19.689 !! a04619fb rva 0001c9fb off 000000bf vmmGCTestTrap0e_FaultEIP
00:00:19.689 !! a0461d50 rva 0001cd50 off -00000296 DISGetParamSize
00:00:19.689 !! fff8:a0461aba 0f ae 8a e0 05 00 00 fxrstor
00:00:19.689 !!
00:00:19.689 !!
00:00:19.689 !!

Note that earlier version of the distro (2.16.1 using kernel 2.6.18) works fine.

Attachments (2)

vcbsmb01.xml (2.2 KB ) - added by Luemmel 17 years ago.
VBox Guest Configuration
buggy-kernel-config (28.8 KB ) - added by Luemmel 17 years ago.
Guest kernel config (the buggy one without SMP)

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (13)

comment:1 by nevyn, 17 years ago

I'm experiencing the same error. I reported this some time ago in the forum, so far no resolution found.

I'm using a debian installation, kernel version is I did not try any other versions.

Trying to narrow the problem down, I compiled different kernel configurations. So far it seems that SMP-kernels work fine, UP kernel don't. For most configs the freeze is _reproducibly_ while populating /dev (think second task after init started). I got one config, where the freeze is reproducibly while sshd is starting (i.e. much later).

comment:2 by Luemmel, 17 years ago

Same problem here:

Host: Pentium D CPU 2.80GHz 2GB RAM Linux 2.6.21-gentoo-r3 x86_64 with SMP Virtualbox 1.4.0 OSE

Guest System is a 32bit Linux (Gentoo). Kernels with CONFIG_SMP=y works fine, using CONFIG_SMP=n makes the machine freeze during init. We tried Linux 2.6.21 and 2.6.22 => same result.

by Luemmel, 17 years ago

Attachment: vcbsmb01.xml added

VBox Guest Configuration

by Luemmel, 17 years ago

Attachment: buggy-kernel-config added

Guest kernel config (the buggy one without SMP)

comment:3 by Sander van Leeuwen, 17 years ago

priority: majorcritical

in reply to:  3 comment:4 by nanocosm, 17 years ago

...Never seen this yet - but anyway

Nice to see that there are some old Amiga loving devs around there! I always loved it! (And if I've some spare time I'll boot my A1000 again to see a Guru Meditation)

comment:5 by guyr, 17 years ago

Adding a me-too. Running VBox under Pentium D 950. Gentoo runs fine with kernel 2.6.20. Just compiled kernel 2.6.22 using the same settings as the earlier kernel, specifically SMP=no. 2.6.22 starts to boot but hangs after this line:

"Mounting devpts at /dev/pts"

comment:6 by guyr, 17 years ago

I recompiled 2.6.22 with SMP turned on, and now it boots up fine. So this seems to definitely have something to do with a non-SMP kernel.

comment:7 by Sander van Leeuwen, 17 years ago

See 386 for a description of the same thing happening in a Debian guest.

in reply to:  6 comment:8 by jamesbond, 17 years ago

Replying to guyr:

I recompiled 2.6.22 with SMP turned on, and now it boots up fine. So this seems to definitely have something to do with a non-SMP kernel.

BTW - the exact same non-SMP kernel binary boots okay with VMware, qemu, and bare-metal. So it has got something to do with vbox's non-SMP emulation.

Same problem still happens for 1.5.0.

comment:9 by benjamin9999, 17 years ago

same problem here, 1.4.0 and 1.5.0. 2.6.20 works, 2.6.22 does not. dies in a similar place in gentoo startup as described above.

comment:10 by Sander van Leeuwen, 17 years ago

Summary: Guru meditation freeze with linux 2.6.21 kernelGuru meditation freeze with linux 2.6.21 kernel -> fixed in SVN/1.5.2


comment:11 by Sander van Leeuwen, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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