
Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #19644, comment 58

Dec 15, 2020 5:38:23 AM (4 years ago)


  • Ticket #19644, comment 58

    initial v1  
    11Sorry, looks like patching up 6.0.x will be more difficult.  Those patches above compile, and I found several more patches from the 5.8 meta-oe-vboxguestdrivers-Fix-buil-with-kernel-5.8.patch I had missed that applied and built cleanly, but no dice.  I ended up with "Failed to load R0 module /usr/lib/virtualbox/VMMR0.r0: RTLdrGetBits failed (VERR_SYMBOL_VALUE_TOO_BIG).", due to not applying more needed patches that will not apply cleanly.
    3 The first few patches are the "the system call got renamed, or moved to another header" type of patches, a 1 line fix; the map_vm_area() changes look more extensive but contained, and patch code that's identical in 6.0.24 to 6.1.14 or whatever they were for... however, the map_vm_area() replacement relies on the ELF loader patches that are in the meta-oe patch (ring 0 binary it loads is an ELF executable), but THOSE patches don't apply cleanly at all, even patching files that don't exist in 6.0.24.  Probably doable but a bit more time than I care to spend working through it... my single system that does not have virtualization extensions is not fast at all, and runs a VM even slower, I just thought I'd put up some quick patches if I could.
     3The first few patches are the "the system call got renamed, or moved to another header" type of patches, a 1 line fix; the map_vm_area() changes look more extensive but contained, and patch code that's identical in 6.0.24 to 6.1.14 or whatever they were for... however, the map_vm_area() replacement relies on the ELF loader patches that are in the meta-oe patch (ring 0 binary it loads is an ELF executable), but THOSE patches don't apply cleanly at all, even patching files that don't exist in 6.0.24.  Probably doable but a bit more time than I care to spend working through it... my single 64-bit system that does not have virtualization extensions is not fast at all, and runs a VM even slower, I just thought I'd put up some quick patches if I could.

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