
Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #18008, comment 4

Oct 1, 2018 12:03:48 PM (6 years ago)


  • Ticket #18008, comment 4

    initial v1  
    11Replying to [comment:3 socratis]:
    22> Hmm... Good question. I'm not reputable enough for you? :)
    3 On the Internet, nobody can be sure whether you're just a [,_nobody_knows_you%27re_a_dog computer-savvy dog] or, say, Oracle CEO himself, so I had no idea whether the provided information is reliable. Support services of widely used products such as VirtualBox tend to dismiss users' complaints with often unhelpful responses or just put the blame on users and/or users' hardware without taking a proper look at the issue. I've seen a few posts and tickets mentioning Guru Meditation problems, but on all these places I've seen copies of your response largely unchanged, with no particular justification such as one provided here. Without it, the responses seemed unconvincing, which actually resulted in this ticket, so thank you for taking time to elaborate your answer.
     3On the Internet, nobody can be sure whether you're just a [,_nobody_knows_you%27re_a_dog computer-savvy dog] or, say, Oracle CEO himself, so I had no idea whether the provided information is reliable. Support services of widely used products such as VirtualBox tend to dismiss users' complaints with often unhelpful responses or just put the blame on users and/or users' hardware without taking a proper look at the issue. I've seen a few posts and tickets mentioning Guru Meditation problems, but on all these places I've seen copies of your response largely unchanged, with no particular justification such as one provided here. Without it, the responses seemed unconvincing, which actually resulted in this ticket, so thank you for taking time to elaborate your answer here.
    55Seems like it's time to use USB sticks again for testing Linux.

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