
Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#17203 closed defect (fixed)

Display auto resize does not work with VBox 5.2 Windows host, linux guest -> should be fixed in 5.2 and later builds after 3 Nov

Reported by: ci-zephyurus Owned by:
Component: guest additions/x11/graphics Version: VirtualBox 5.2.0
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: Linux Host type: Windows


After upgrading from VBox 5.1.26 to VBox 5.2, the guest tool does not auto-resize the display size anymore. I used the 5.2.1 ISO mentioned in the web page for installing the guest tool. Debian/GNU Linux version ( guest ): 4.12.13 Windows 10 (host)

I downgraded to 5.1.30, and the auto resize works again.

Change History (7)

comment:1 by ci-zephyurus, 7 years ago

I found a post regarding this possible problem from a fellow Debian user.

I wonder if this fits my symptom. I think I am going to try the remedy explained there tomorrow. That resize does not work is probably due to the display module not built.

However, it surely would be nice that the official script takes care of the issue.


comment:2 by ci-zephyurus, 7 years ago

OK the workaround mentioned in

worked. That is, I ran the following commands as superuser:

mkdir -p /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/include/drm
touch /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/include/drm/drm_rect.h

(It seems that copy/pasting the original two "su ..." command lines does not work as expected. Only the first su command is executed and the second command line is not executed. So I have to redo the second command line separately. I removed the su prefix from the above command lines.)

Anyway, after the workaround above, vbox 5.20 can resize the display automatically.

It would be nice to have the Makefile for video driver to be modified to be compatible with Debian GNU/Linux (or similar to the Makefile in vbox 5.1.2x series?)


Version 0, edited 7 years ago by ci-zephyurus (next)

comment:3 by Michael Thayer, 7 years ago

Looks like it might be a bug in Debian to me, but I am downloading Debian 9.2.1 (you didn't mention a version by the way) to see.

comment:4 by SteeVee00, 7 years ago

Fresh install of 9.2 Cinnamon and 9.2.1 XFCE, same problem here on both. Trying the suggested fix, will update.

comment:5 by Michael Thayer, 7 years ago

Summary: Display auto resize does not work with VBox 5.2 Windows host, linux guestDisplay auto resize does not work with VBox 5.2 Windows host, linux guest -> should be fixed in 5.2 and later builds after 3 Nov

On further investigation it was a peculiarity of Debian 9.2, but definitely our bug. The latest Additions build on the Download page<1> should fix it.


comment:6 by Michael Thayer, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:7 by ci-zephyurus, 6 years ago

I downloaded 5.2.4 and the problem with the tool disappeared completely (!). Just confirming the bug disappeared.

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