
Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#16782 closed defect

Cannot start vm — at Initial Version

Reported by: triple10 Owned by:
Component: other Version: VirtualBox 5.1.22
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: other Host type: other


The virtual machine 'Ubuntu' has terminated unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1 (0x1). More details may be available in 'C:\Users\User\VirtualBox VMs\Ubuntu\Logs\VBoxHardening.log'.

Код ошибки: E_FAIL (0x80004005) Компонент: MachineWrap Интерфейс: IMachine {b2547866-a0a1-4391-8b86-6952d82efaa0}

VBoxHardening.log 3058.3b14: Log file opened: 5.1.22r115126 g_hStartupLog=0000000000000058 g_uNtVerCombined=0xa0295a00 3058.3b14: \SystemRoot\System32\ntdll.dll: 3058.3b14: CreationTime: 2017-03-23T11:58:31.877923500Z 3058.3b14: LastWriteTime: 2016-10-25T09:41:10.545861300Z 3058.3b14: ChangeTime: 2017-03-23T13:58:40.040817900Z 3058.3b14: FileAttributes: 0x20 3058.3b14: Size: 0x1bc248 3058.3b14: NT Headers: 0xe0 3058.3b14: Timestamp: 0x580ee321 3058.3b14: Machine: 0x8664 - amd64 3058.3b14: Timestamp: 0x580ee321 3058.3b14: Image Version: 10.0 3058.3b14: SizeOfImage: 0x1c1000 (1839104) 3058.3b14: Resource Dir: 0x159000 LB 0x66218 3058.3b14: [Version info resource found at 0xd8! (ID/Name: 0x1; SubID/SubName: 0x409)] 3058.3b14: [Raw version resource data: 0x1590f0 LB 0x390, codepage 0x0 (reserved 0x0)] 3058.3b14: ProductName: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 3058.3b14: ProductVersion: 10.0.10586.672 3058.3b14: FileVersion: 10.0.10586.672 (th2_release_sec.161024-1825) 3058.3b14: FileDescription: NT Layer DLL 3058.3b14: \SystemRoot\System32\kernel32.dll: 3058.3b14: CreationTime: 2017-03-23T11:57:47.269024600Z 3058.3b14: LastWriteTime: 2016-09-07T05:39:18.648308100Z 3058.3b14: ChangeTime: 2017-03-23T13:58:30.134550000Z 3058.3b14: FileAttributes: 0x20 3058.3b14: Size: 0xac428 3058.3b14: NT Headers: 0xf0 3058.3b14: Timestamp: 0x57cf97d5 3058.3b14: Machine: 0x8664 - amd64 3058.3b14: Timestamp: 0x57cf97d5 3058.3b14: Image Version: 10.0 3058.3b14: SizeOfImage: 0xad000 (708608) 3058.3b14: Resource Dir: 0xab000 LB 0x528 3058.3b14: [Version info resource found at 0x90! (ID/Name: 0x1; SubID/SubName: 0x409)] 3058.3b14: [Raw version resource data: 0xab0b0 LB 0x3ac, codepage 0x0 (reserved 0x0)] 3058.3b14: ProductName: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 3058.3b14: ProductVersion: 10.0.10586.589 3058.3b14: FileVersion: 10.0.10586.589 (th2_release.160906-1759) 3058.3b14: FileDescription: Windows NT BASE API Client DLL 3058.3b14: \SystemRoot\System32\KernelBase.dll: 3058.3b14: CreationTime: 2017-03-23T11:59:45.048244800Z 3058.3b14: LastWriteTime: 2017-03-04T08:13:23.756197200Z 3058.3b14: ChangeTime: 2017-03-23T13:58:38.275189500Z 3058.3b14: FileAttributes: 0x20 3058.3b14: Size: 0x1e7c08 3058.3b14: NT Headers: 0xf0 3058.3b14: Timestamp: 0x58ba4019 3058.3b14: Machine: 0x8664 - amd64 3058.3b14: Timestamp: 0x58ba4019 3058.3b14: Image Version: 10.0 3058.3b14: SizeOfImage: 0x1e8000 (1998848) 3058.3b14: Resource Dir: 0x1d1000 LB 0x540 3058.3b14: [Version info resource found at 0x90! (ID/Name: 0x1; SubID/SubName: 0x409)] 3058.3b14: [Raw version resource data: 0x1d10b0 LB 0x3c4, codepage 0x0 (reserved 0x0)] 3058.3b14: ProductName: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 3058.3b14: ProductVersion: 10.0.10586.839 3058.3b14: FileVersion: 10.0.10586.839 (th2_release.170303-1605) 3058.3b14: FileDescription: Windows NT BASE API Client DLL 3058.3b14: \SystemRoot\System32\apisetschema.dll: 3058.3b14: CreationTime: 2015-10-30T07:17:57.502957900Z 3058.3b14: LastWriteTime: 2015-10-30T07:17:57.502957900Z 3058.3b14: ChangeTime: 2017-03-22T15:02:37.830590200Z 3058.3b14: FileAttributes: 0x20 3058.3b14: Size: 0x16d60 3058.3b14: NT Headers: 0xc8 3058.3b14: Timestamp: 0x5632d94c 3058.3b14: Machine: 0x8664 - amd64 3058.3b14: Timestamp: 0x5632d94c 3058.3b14: Image Version: 10.0 3058.3b14: SizeOfImage: 0x18000 (98304) 3058.3b14: Resource Dir: 0x17000 LB 0x400 3058.3b14: [Version info resource found at 0x48! (ID/Name: 0x1; SubID/SubName: 0x409)] 3058.3b14: [Raw version resource data: 0x17060 LB 0x3a0, codepage 0x0 (reserved 0x0)] 3058.3b14: ProductName: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 3058.3b14: ProductVersion: 10.0.10586.0 3058.3b14: FileVersion: 10.0.10586.0 (th2_release.151029-1700) 3058.3b14: FileDescription: ApiSet Schema DLL 3058.3b14: NtOpenDirectoryObject failed on \Driver: 0xc0000022 3058.3b14: supR3HardenedWinFindAdversaries: 0x2040 3058.3b14: \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\kl1.sys: 3058.3b14: CreationTime: 2016-09-30T23:26:00.000000000Z 3058.3b14: LastWriteTime: 2016-09-30T23:26:00.000000000Z 3058.3b14: ChangeTime: 2017-05-16T14:10:25.306400500Z 3058.3b14: FileAttributes: 0x20 3058.3b14: Size: 0x875a8 3058.3b14: NT Headers: 0xe8 3058.3b14: Timestamp: 0x56fe83ac 3058.3b14: Machine: 0x8664 - amd64 3058.3b14: Timestamp: 0x56fe83ac 3058.3b14: Image Version: 0.0 3058.3b14: SizeOfImage: 0x709000 (7376896) 3058.3b14: Resource Dir: 0x707000 LB 0x448 3058.3b14: [Version info resource found at 0x48! (ID/Name: 0x1; SubID/SubName: 0x419)] 3058.3b14: [Raw version resource data: 0x707060 LB 0x3e4, codepage 0x0 (reserved 0x0)] 3058.3b14: ProductName: Kaspersky Anti-Virus 3058.3b14: ProductVersion: 3058.3b14: FileVersion: 3058.3b14: FileDescription: Kaspersky Unified Driver 3058.3b14: \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\klflt.sys: 3058.3b14: CreationTime: 2017-05-16T14:10:07.441578000Z 3058.3b14: LastWriteTime: 2017-03-10T12:55:16.000000000Z 3058.3b14: ChangeTime: 2017-05-16T14:10:10.124569700Z 3058.3b14: FileAttributes: 0x20 3058.3b14: Size: 0x306e0 3058.3b14: NT Headers: 0x108 3058.3b14: Timestamp: 0x58500f78 3058.3b14: Machine: 0x8664 - amd64 3058.3b14: Timestamp: 0x58500f78 3058.3b14: Image Version: 6.2 3058.3b14: SizeOfImage: 0x3d000 (249856) 3058.3b14: Resource Dir: 0x3b000 LB 0x418 3058.3b14: [Version info resource found at 0x48! (ID/Name: 0x1; SubID/SubName: 0x409)] 3058.3b14: [Raw version resource data: 0x3b060 LB 0x3b8, codepage 0x0 (reserved 0x0)] 3058.3b14: ProductName: System Interceptors PDK 3058.3b14: ProductVersion: 3058.3b14: FileVersion: 3058.3b14: FileDescription: Filter Core [fre_win8_x64] 3058.3b14: \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\klif.sys: 3058.3b14: CreationTime: 2017-05-16T14:10:07.446084700Z 3058.3b14: LastWriteTime: 2017-03-10T12:55:18.000000000Z 3058.3b14: ChangeTime: 2017-05-16T14:10:10.121565500Z 3058.3b14: FileAttributes: 0x20 3058.3b14: Size: 0x1030e0 3058.3b14: NT Headers: 0x118 3058.3b14: Timestamp: 0x58be8d89 3058.3b14: Machine: 0x8664 - amd64 3058.3b14: Timestamp: 0x58be8d89 3058.3b14: Image Version: 6.2 3058.3b14: SizeOfImage: 0x107000 (1077248) 3058.3b14: Resource Dir: 0x104000 LB 0x1fe8 3058.3b14: [Version info resource found at 0x150! (ID/Name: 0x1; SubID/SubName: 0x409)] 3058.3b14: [Raw version resource data: 0x104618 LB 0x3d8, codepage 0x0 (reserved 0x0)] 3058.3b14: ProductName: System Interceptors PDK 3058.3b14: ProductVersion: 3058.3b14: FileVersion: 3058.3b14: FileDescription: Core System Interceptors [fre_win8_x64] 3058.3b14: \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\klim6.sys: 3058.3b14: CreationTime: 2016-09-30T23:31:28.000000000Z 3058.3b14: LastWriteTime: 2016-09-30T23:31:28.000000000Z 3058.3b14: ChangeTime: 2017-05-16T14:10:26.074471500Z 3058.3b14: FileAttributes: 0x20 3058.3b14: Size: 0xc358 3058.3b14: NT Headers: 0x100 3058.3b14: Timestamp: 0x57bc2881 3058.3b14: Machine: 0x8664 - amd64 3058.3b14: Timestamp: 0x57bc2881 3058.3b14: Image Version: 6.2 3058.3b14: SizeOfImage: 0xc000 (49152) 3058.3b14: Resource Dir: 0xa000 LB 0x430 3058.3b14: [Version info resource found at 0x48! (ID/Name: 0x1; SubID/SubName: 0x409)] 3058.3b14: [Raw version resource data: 0xa060 LB 0x3cc, codepage 0x0 (reserved 0x0)] 3058.3b14: ProductName: System Interceptors PDK 3058.3b14: ProductVersion: 3058.3b14: FileVersion: 3058.3b14: FileDescription: Packet Network Filter [fre_win8_x64] 3058.3b14: \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\kneps.sys: 3058.3b14: CreationTime: 2016-10-09T03:56:32.000000000Z 3058.3b14: LastWriteTime: 2016-10-09T03:56:32.000000000Z 3058.3b14: ChangeTime: 2017-05-16T14:10:25.390000500Z 3058.3b14: FileAttributes: 0x20 3058.3b14: Size: 0x31050 3058.3b14: NT Headers: 0x108 3058.3b14: Timestamp: 0x57c93a6b 3058.3b14: Machine: 0x8664 - amd64 3058.3b14: Timestamp: 0x57c93a6b 3058.3b14: Image Version: 5.2 3058.3b14: SizeOfImage: 0x2e000 (188416) 3058.3b14: Resource Dir: 0x2c000 LB 0x428 3058.3b14: [Version info resource found at 0x48! (ID/Name: 0x1; SubID/SubName: 0x409)] 3058.3b14: [Raw version resource data: 0x2c060 LB 0x3c4, codepage 0x0 (reserved 0x0)] 3058.3b14: ProductName: System Interceptors PDK 3058.3b14: ProductVersion: 3058.3b14: FileVersion: 3058.3b14: FileDescription: Network Processor [fre_wnet_x64] 3058.3b14: \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\dgmaster.sys: 3058.3b14: CreationTime: 2017-03-23T11:10:47.143393600Z 3058.3b14: LastWriteTime: 2016-06-13T09:34:32.000000000Z 3058.3b14: ChangeTime: 2017-03-23T11:10:47.174643600Z 3058.3b14: FileAttributes: 0x20 3058.3b14: Size: 0x23cd50 3058.3b14: NT Headers: 0x108 3058.3b14: Timestamp: 0x575ee065 3058.3b14: Machine: 0x8664 - amd64 3058.3b14: Timestamp: 0x575ee065 3058.3b14: Image Version: 6.3 3058.3b14: SizeOfImage: 0x2f4000 (3096576) 3058.3b14: Resource Dir: 0x2b4000 LB 0x35f48 3058.3b14: [Version info resource found at 0x270! (ID/Name: 0x1; SubID/SubName: 0x409)] 3058.3b14: [Raw version resource data: 0x2e9c30 LB 0x318, codepage 0x0 (reserved 0x0)] 3058.3b14: ProductName: Digital Guardian 3058.3b14: ProductVersion: 7.0 3058.3b14: FileVersion: 3058.3b14: FileDescription: Digital Guardian Agent Master 3058.3b14: supR3HardenedWinInitAppBin(0x0): '\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox' 3058.3b14: Calling main() 3058.3b14: SUPR3HardenedMain: pszProgName=VirtualBox fFlags=0x2 3058.3b14: supR3HardenedWinInitAppBin(0x2): '\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox' 3058.3b14: SUPR3HardenedMain: Respawn #1 3058.3b14: System32: \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\System32 3058.3b14: WinSxS: \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\WinSxS 3058.3b14: KnownDllPath: C:\Windows\system32 3058.3b14: '\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VirtualBox.exe' has no imports 3058.3b14: supHardenedWinVerifyImageByHandle: -> 0 (\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VirtualBox.exe) 3058.3b14: supR3HardNtEnableThreadCreation: 3058.3b14: supR3HardNtDisableThreadCreation: pvLdrInitThunk=00007ff97c9f6d50 pvNtTerminateThread=00007ff97ca25b20 3058.3b14: supR3HardenedWinDoReSpawn(1): New child 2aec.3a38 [kernel32]. 3058.3b14: supR3HardNtChildGatherData: PebBaseAddress=000000000042c000 cbPeb=0x388 3058.3b14: supR3HardNtPuChFindNtdll: uNtDllParentAddr=00007ff97c980000 uNtDllChildAddr=00007ff97c980000 3058.3b14: supR3HardenedWinSetupChildInit: uLdrInitThunk=00007ff97c9f6d50 3058.3b14: supR3HardenedWinSetupChildInit: Start child. 3058.3b14: supR3HardNtChildWaitFor: Found expected request 0 (PurifyChildAndCloseHandles) after 1 ms. 3058.3b14: supR3HardNtChildPurify: Startup delay kludge #1/0: 517 ms, 59 sleeps 3058.3b14: supHardNtVpScanVirtualMemory: enmKind=CHILD_PURIFICATION 3058.3b14: *0000000000000000-00000000002bffff 0x0001/0x0000 0x0000000 3058.3b14: *00000000002c0000-00000000002dffff 0x0004/0x0004 0x0020000 3058.3b14: *00000000002e0000-00000000002f4fff 0x0002/0x0002 0x0040000 3058.3b14: 00000000002f5000-00000000002fffff 0x0001/0x0000 0x0000000 3058.3b14: *0000000000300000-00000000003fafff 0x0000/0x0004 0x0020000 3058.3b14: 00000000003fb000-00000000003fdfff 0x0104/0x0004 0x0020000 3058.3b14: 00000000003fe000-00000000003fffff 0x0004/0x0004 0x0020000 3058.3b14: *0000000000400000-000000000042bfff 0x0000/0x0004 0x0020000 3058.3b14: 000000000042c000-000000000042efff 0x0004/0x0004 0x0020000 3058.3b14: 000000000042f000-00000000005fffff 0x0000/0x0004 0x0020000 3058.3b14: *0000000000600000-0000000000603fff 0x0002/0x0002 0x0040000 3058.3b14: 0000000000604000-000000000060ffff 0x0001/0x0000 0x0000000 3058.3b14: *0000000000610000-0000000000611fff 0x0004/0x0004 0x0020000 3058.3b14: 0000000000612000-0000000001fcffff 0x0001/0x0000 0x0000000 3058.3b14: *0000000001fd0000-0000000001fd0fff 0x0002/0x0002 0x0020000 3058.3b14: 0000000001fd1000-0000000001fdffff 0x0001/0x0000 0x0000000 3058.3b14: *0000000001fe0000-0000000001fe0fff 0x0010/0x0010 0x0020000 !! 3058.3b14: supHardNtVpFreeOrReplacePrivateExecMemory: Replacing exec mem at 0000000001fe0000 (LB 0x1000, 0000000001fe0000 LB 0x1000) 3058.3b14: supHardNtVpFreeOrReplacePrivateExecMemory: Free attempt #1 succeeded: 0x0 [0000000001fe0000/0000000001fe0000 LB 0/0x1000] 3058.3b14: supHardNtVpFreeOrReplacePrivateExecMemory: QVM after free 0: [0000000000000000]/0000000001fe0000 LB 0x10000 s=0x10000 ap=0x0 rp=0x8a211a7200000001 3058.3b14: Error (rc=-5673): 3058.3b14: NtAllocateVirtualMemory (0000000001fe0000 LB 0x1000) failed with rcNt=0xc0000018 allocating replacement memory for working around buggy protection software. See VBoxStartup.log for more details 3058.3b14: Error (rc=-5645): 3058.3b14: Too many virtual memory regions.

3058.3b14: Error (rc=-5673): 3058.3b14: supHardenedWinVerifyProcess failed with Unknown Status -5673 (0xffffe9d7): NtAllocateVirtualMemory (0000000001fe0000 LB 0x1000) failed with rcNt=0xc0000018 allocating replacement memory for working around buggy protection software. See VBoxStartup.log for more details [rc=-5645] Too many virtual memory regions. 3058.3b14: Error -5673 in supR3HardNtChildPurify! (enmWhat=5) 3058.3b14: supHardenedWinVerifyProcess failed with Unknown Status -5673 (0xffffe9d7): NtAllocateVirtualMemory (0000000001fe0000 LB 0x1000) failed with rcNt=0xc0000018 allocating replacement memory for working around buggy protection software. See VBoxStartup.log for more details [rc=-5645] Too many virtual memory regions. 3058.3b14: supR3HardNtEnableThreadCreation:

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