
Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#15900 new defect

Remote Desktop (RDP) into Windows10 (64-bit) Host Crashes Full Screen Guests 5.1.4

Reported by: CM7 Owned by:
Component: host support Version: VirtualBox 5.1.4
Keywords: rdp remote host Windows crash guest Cc:
Guest type: Windows Host type: Windows


I've had multiple full-screen VMs crash twice now upon getting connected to my Windows 10 64-bit host via the standard Windows Remote Desktop client. The sequence of events scenario was similar both times: I'll typically leave a few guests running full-screen in the background, remote into the host while away, reconnect to the local host console upon returning, then remote in again next day. On the 1st remote connection, the full-screen guests that were left running flash the hosts Windows taskbar, and switching to them restores the full-screen display. Upon the 2nd or so remote connection, the full-screen guests that were left running again flash the host's Windows taskbar, and clicking then to switch to them causes them to crash with (latest example):

[Running] - Oracle VM VirtualBox: VirtualBox.exe - Application Error : The instruction at 0x000000005B16C025 referenced memory at 0x000000000D41E000. The memory could not be read.

Host: Windows 10.0.10586 (64-bit), Dell Precision T5500 36GB RAM Displays: (NVIDIA GeForce GTS 240) Primary (Dell 2408WFP) 1920x1200 Extended (Samsung TV) 1920x1080 Guests (all configured for a single display): Windows 10 Windows Vista (2 CPUs) Windows XP (not sure about Linux/Mint)

In all cases, the Remote Desktop client is set to start full-screen on 1 display. Not sure if this could be the reason or if it could be caused by the host having two different screens (speculation of course). However, simply connecting to a host should not crash guest VMs.

Attachments (7)

VBoxSVC.log (182 bytes ) - added by CM7 8 years ago.
VBox.log (100.8 KB ) - added by CM7 8 years ago. (26.3 KB ) - added by CM7 8 years ago.
EventLog.txt (249 bytes ) - added by CM7 8 years ago.
VBox.2.log (83.4 KB ) - added by CM7 8 years ago.
VBoxHardening.log (342.9 KB ) - added by CM7 8 years ago.
VBox.3.log (160.3 KB ) - added by CM7 7 years ago.
Latest occurrence today

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (13)

by CM7, 8 years ago

Attachment: VBoxSVC.log added

by CM7, 8 years ago

Attachment: VBox.log added

by CM7, 8 years ago

Attachment: added

by CM7, 8 years ago

Attachment: EventLog.txt added

by CM7, 8 years ago

Attachment: VBox.2.log added

by CM7, 8 years ago

Attachment: VBoxHardening.log added

comment:1 by CM7, 8 years ago

Update: Although I did not experience this issue in 5.1.6, I believe this was situational in that I likely did not use RDP around that time.

Problem appears to continue in 5.1.8. In my most recent incident, one Win10 guest (left minimized full-screen) immediately aborted upon connecting to the host via RDP (16-bit color). Later, upon reconnecting locally to the host, found that all open windows had swapped screens and moved from my main/primary (Dell) monitor to the Samsung TV (configured as monitor 2, extended desktop).

comment:2 by CM7, 8 years ago

Note that this problem appears to only affect my guests (not sure if it's Windows guests only) that are left in full-screen mode but minimized. I typically have 5 or so guests running, and the windowed ones never seem to be affected by this issue.

by CM7, 7 years ago

Attachment: VBox.3.log added

Latest occurrence today

comment:3 by CM7, 7 years ago

Today's occurrence (full-screen guest aborted, windowed guests unaffected) was accompanied by this message at the moment of connecting to the host via RDP:

Application popup: Chris-Notebook (Pre-RDP Test) [Running] - Oracle VM VirtualBox: VirtualBox.exe - Application Error : The instruction at 0x0000000074B4C025 referenced memory at 0x000000000AD22000. The memory could not be read.

Click on OK to terminate the program

comment:4 by cfc-12, 6 years ago

I also see this in exactly the same circumstances, but with Linux guests. I have a Linux guest running most of the time in full screen mode, and when I leave it minimized the guest crashes more often than not when I RDP to my machine.

comment:5 by Bubo_sth, 6 years ago

I have had same issue on several different versions of VirtualBox'es and Guest os'es. Latest crash was today on Windows 10 pro ver 1709 host. VirtualBox 5.2.18 r124319 and Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS as guest.

Connected to the host with Remina from a Linux client.

Application pop-up: ubuntu1 [Running] - Oracle VM VirtualBox: VirtualBox.exe - Application Error : The instruction at 0x000000006660C02A referenced memory at 0x0000000003C5F000. The memory could not be read.

Screen resolution is 2560 x 1440 on the Windows host. Nvidia Geforce GT 710 The client resolution is 1920 x 1280 (linux Mint 18.3) In case it has something to do with adapting the screen resolution for the guest display.

comment:6 by 6sKaizen, 6 years ago

Ditto. VirtualBox VM 5.2.18 r124319 win.amd64 (Aug 14 2018 12:39:01) release

Host = Windows 10 Pro 10.0.16299 Build 16299

3 qty guests = Windows 7 Pro 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601

Remoting into from all of the following cause intermittent locking of some or all guests:

Android's Microsoft RDP App

macOS High Sierra's Microsoft RDP App

Windows 2016 Standard Server RDP Program

All guests are running in windowed-mode. (1080p)

When the guest locks it cannot be paused, reset, ACPI shutdown, nor closed.

The only solution is to open task mangler on host and kill the specific PID of the VirtualBox.exe

Log shows nothing for hung system. For other guests:

GUI: UIDesktopWidgetWatchdog::sltHandleHostScreenResized: Screen 0 is formally resized to: 0x0 x 2096x1080

GUI: UIMachineLogic: Host-screen geometry changed

GUI: UIDesktopWidgetWatchdog::sltHandleHostScreenWorkAreaResized: Screen 0 work area is formally resized to: 0x0 x 2096x1040

GUI: UIMachineLogic: Host-screen available-area changed

Audio: Host audio device configuration has changed

DSound: Restoring playback buffer failed with ERROR_SUCCESS

Perhaps sound redirecting is causing issue?

Last edited 6 years ago by 6sKaizen (previous) (diff)
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